All of us

All of Us campaign logo

All of Us is a partnership working in Edinburgh to raise awareness of neglect and make sure that all of us know where to turn for help with parenting or if we have concerns about a child. It involves

Download All of Us campaign toolkit resources

How to get help

Looking after a child is not always easy and it’s ok to ask for help.

As a parent or carer, you may be facing more challenges than usual just now and help is available.

Contact us if

  • you are finding it hard to look after your children
  • your family needs some extra help
  • someone you know could do with the extra help.

NSPCC helpline

For parent advice and support or if you are concerned about someone else’s child or phone

0808 800 5000

Weekdays between 8am and 10pm and weekends between 9am and 6pm. We understand the problems that families and children face, our team will help you get the advice or support you need.

Social Care Direct

For help or if you’re concerned about a child ask Social Care direct for advice or speak to your health visitor.

Local support for families

Parent Club

The Scottish Government’s Parent Club has put together information now restrictions have eased to . They have also put together .

Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution (SCCR)

If you are a parent or teenager and experiencing difficulties and conflict in relationships download tips to resolve conflict (PDF).

Scottish Welfare Fund crisis grant

from the Scottish Welfare Fund.

Concerns about someone else’s child

Don’t wait until you are sure before sharing your worries.

If you suspect a child is in immediate danger phone 999.

has information on what to look out for.

two young mum laughing and talking

Supporting families in Edinburgh

Watch a short video of parents in Edinburgh talking about how support has helped them.