Common Good

We own property that has Common Good status. This includes land, buildings and cash. Property has a Common Good status if it had been bought by or gifted to a former Burgh. There are laws that restrict how they can be used or sold.

Property can be Common Good if the asset was gifted to or acquired by the Burgh on or before 15 May1975 and

  • it has been used by the general public for a long time
  • it was dedicated for a specific public purpose
  • has title conditions ensuring public use were agreed in the original charter.

There can be other factors that help us decide if a property is Common Good or not, such as

  • statutory reasons for owning a property
  • how it was acquired 
  • if it is held by a separate trust.

Common Good status means that restrictions apply on what can be done with the property. Restrictions on leasing or selling of some Common Good assets exist but these can be altered by obtaining approval from the courts, where required. Proceeds from leasing or selling these assets are retained in the Common Good fund.

Common Good register

Under the and following , we have a duty to publish a Common Good register. This lists all our Common Good properties. 

Overall Common Good funds stood at £2.762m at 31 March 2023 of this £1.780m is in an earmarked fund for planned maintenance on Common Good assets as per page 118 of the 2022-23 audited annual accounts

Download the Common Good register (XLSX 27 KB) Please note that some of our downloads might not be accessible. If you need help please contact us on commongood@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Representations received

We have received many representations which are submitted comments and views about Common Good assets. We are undertaking research on each property or asset submitted to establish if they meet the Common Good criteria or not. We aim to respond to submissions within 12 weeks of the date of the enquiry. 

Download the list of Common Good asset representations (XLSX 20 KB) Please note that some of our downloads might not be accessible. If you need help please contact us on commongood@edinburgh.gov.uk.

This list will be updated when additional submissions are received and when our research is completed on a property.

If you wish to make representations or express views about potential Common Good assets email  commongood@edinburgh.gov.uk and we will consider your request.

Selling or changing the use of a Common Good asset

If we aim to change the use or sell an asset we need to consult on our plans. We will promote our proposals widely to ensure that local communities can comment before any final decision