Tenancy information

Ending your tenancy

If you want to end your tenancy agreement, you must give your housing officer 28 days’ notice in writing, any other joint tenant, partner or person living with you must also give their written agreement.

If the reason you want to leave your tenancy is because you are having trouble with your neighbours, you are not coping in our home, or because you want to live in a different area, please contact your housing officer to see if we can overcome these issues.

What happens next?

When you let us know you want to move your housing officer will:

  • Arrange a visit to your tenancy
  • Check whether any repairs need to be carried out by you due to unreasonable damage
  • Check if you owe rent or any other charges for your home that should be paid before you move out


If we have reasonable grounds to think that you’ve left your tenancy without telling us and you won’t be back, we can end your tenancy by serving a ‘Notice of Abandonment’ on the property. 

The abandonment period is at least 4 weeks and you will still be responsible for the rent for that time.  You will also be charged for any repairs due to wilful damage or neglect or cleaning required, lock changes, storage and the subsequent disposal of any belongings you have left behind.

It is therefore important to inform your housing officer if you are going to be away from your property for a period of 28 days or more.


The council can apply to the courts to end your tenancy and evict you. Eviction is a last resort and is only used if if the advice and assistance available to help you remain in your home has not been successful. This normally only applies if

  • you don't pay your rent
  • anyone living in or visiting your home has behaved in an anti-social way

If you are being evicted for either of the above reasons, you should contact your housing officer immediately for advice.