Corstorphine Connections

Experimental Traffic Order Process

The Scottish Government process for ETROs states that a public consultation must run for six months and begin when the ETRO starts. This period of consultation ran from 24 May to 23 November 2023.

On 8 January 2024, we made changes to the ETRO. These changes required us to start a new six-month consultation period.

The consultation period has now closed.

All comments to both consultation periods are included in our reports to councillors at the Traffic Orders Sub-Committee.

What is an ETRO?

An ETRO is a legal mechanism used to introduce trial changes to the layout of a road for a limited period of 18 months.

The legal power to use an ETRO comes from the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Council follows the process set out in The Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999.

An ETRO may be used to introduce restrictions or prohibitions on

  • parking
  • loading
  • movement of certain vehicles such as general traffic but maintaining access for buses, taxis, cycles and emergency services.

ETROs can remain in place for a maximum of 18 months while we monitor and assess the effects.