Leith Connections

How we are monitoring and evaluating the project

We will monitor a range of ‘before’ and ‘after' data to assess the scheme's impact on the area.

Indicators that we will measure include

  • gauging community reaction to the on-street changes via general feedback and responses to the ETRO
  • gauging community reaction to the on-street changes via surveys and focus groups
  • surveys of the number and speed of vehicles using the streets
  • air quality monitoring
  • noise monitoring
  • business surveys
  • visits with Edinburgh Access Panel

Information gathered will be used to guide future recommendations and decisions on the trial parts of the project.

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

A summary of our monitoring plan and pre-implementation data can be seen in the reports below.

Qualitative research data

We have appointed an independent specialist market research company to gather views of various groups through on street surveys and focus groups. 

  • Market research report - views of residents and shoppers in the area during the summer of 2022
  • Business survey report - views of business owners to determine the views, opinions and experiences of businesses in the Leith Connections area
  • Focus group research - with specific groups of those with accessibility needs, parents, those in low income households
Leith Connections logo

Contact the team

Email us with any questions or comments.