Call for Independent Air Study Analysing the likely Impact of CCWEL Road Layout Changes on Roseburn Terrace NO2 Pollution Levels - Petitions (Invalid)

Petition details
Disturbing new information from a recently retired local SEPA air quality expert has highlighted a potential risk to public health by the CCWEL. Roseburn Terrace is a text book example of a street canyon, where traffic pollution becomes trapped between buildings. This effect is exacerbated by prevailing wind conditions, leading to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations that are around 34% higher on the south side, as CEC’s passive diffusion tube measurements show. The expert noted stationary cars keep the traffic away from the shop fronts, creating a space in which NO2 dilutes naturally. Dundee City Council recently moved traffic one lane from homes to reduce pollution in this way. He points out the CCWEL will remove the parking bays (and the natural dilution zone), thus moving westbound traffic 3m closer to the shopfronts. It will also move the lane of traffic waiting to turn right into the southern half of the Terrace, adding to the pollution here. The combination of these factors is likely to breach the limit set in the Air Quality Standards (Scotland) Regulations 2010. High levels can lead to asthma, coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, miscarriages and COPD. A 9-year-old girl died in London last year from levels similar to those we expect to see in Roseburn.
The impact of the planned changes on air quality and health should be assessed by a suitably qualified expert, using an approved dispersion modelling tool that can model the complex environment of a street canyon, with the findings made public.
Petition status
Invalid in terms of 2.2 of our petitions criteria as it contains false or defamatory statements.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr George Rendall