Edinburgh Central Library vs Virgin Hotel - Petitions (Invalid)

Petition details
We the under-signed call for the City of ÂÌñÉç to safeguard the Category A listed Central Library, a key resource in the literary and cultural landscape of the nation's capital, and:
1) Require a detailed report on Edinburgh Central Library as a flagship cultural project of national/international significance commensurate with existing professional advice to the Council and the Council’s own reports*.

2) As a matter of urgency require a detailed report for revocation of the India Buildings (Virgin Hotel) planning application (15/04445/FUL) under Section 65 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to include discussions with the developer/applicant.

3) Require a detailed report on purchasing back land and buildings which form part of the India Buildings hotel-led development, sold by the Council without a full consultation on the implications for the Central Library.
Petition status
Invalid in terms of 1.1 of our Petitions criteria as it relates to planning, licensing or other matters where objections and appeals against decisions are dealt with by another process.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr Neil Simpson