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Your group must be properly constituted and have its own bank/building society/credit union account, requiring at least 2 recognised signatories to manage all transactions. What kind of things will the TGG fund pay for? A start up grant of 100 is available to help form a group. This can be used to pay for the costs of a first meeting or anything else to do with set-up, such as producing leaflets or a newsletter. Once your group has been formalised, grants of up to 10,000 are available to help support your groups work in the following key areas: digital inclusion projects that help CEC tenants and other residents to gain better access to and understanding of Information and Communication Technologies health and wellbeing activities, which benefit CEC tenants and other residents, including: community gardens social events educational initiatives art projects health and fitness classes healthy food schemes. running costs for CEC tenant groups, including: equipment premises training insurances daily operating costs (such as photocopying) room hire telephone calls. initiatives which help local communities tackle the negative effects of Covid-19. Is there anything that the TGG Fund will not fund? Activity of a political or lobbying nature designed to promote party political or religious causes More than one internet service provider connection Servicing of debt or monies already spent (retrospective funding) Repairs and refurbishments to Council premises What are the conditions of funding? All groups must include CEC tenants and their work must benefit the tenants in their areas, particularly in relation to housing services, housing conditions and the wider environment. Groups do not have to be registered as a Registered Tenant Organisation (RTO) with CEC to apply to this fund. Unregistered groups will be encouraged to apply to register for RTO status. You must provide evidence of grant spend by the date specified in the letter of award or before any further grant application made (unless otherwise agreed). This should include copies of receipts for money spent and any supporting information on what your group has achieved. Grants cannot be allocated retrospectively. For example, training and conference costs may be covered but payment must be agreed with CEC in advance of attendance at any event. The maximum grant is 10,000 and may be paid to you in instalments. All applicants must adhere to the standard Council Funding Conditions issued by CEC and applicable to all grant recipients (attached to grant application form). What is the process for assessing applications? Your application will go through the following steps: Initial Check A senior officer will check that your application is eligible. Eligible applications will go to the next stage. For those that are ineligible, the applicant will be notified and where appropriate advised of alternative sources of funding. Senior Officer Assessment A senior officer will check that your application is complete. You may be contacted for further information or clarification. The senior officer will assess your application against the TGG criteria and make a recommendation to the Locality Housing Manager. Decision The Locality Housing Manager will decide if the grant should be approved in discussion with housing officers and the Tenant and Resident Services Manager. Notification You will be informed of the final decision, in writing, within four weeks of submitting your application. Where applications are unsuccessful, applicants will be informed of the reasons and advised that they may apply again in the future. The process will be completed as quickly as possible: You can assist by checking you have fully completed the application and provided all necessary supporting documents before submission. Can we apply for more than one grant in any one financial year? Repeat applications from tenant groups who have already had a TGG will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. This does not apply in the case of start-up grants. Contact information If you would like more information or have any questions, you can contact us in the following ways: By telephone - (0131) 529 7805 By email -  HYPERLINK "mailto:tenant.panel@edinburgh.gov.uk" tenant.panel@edinburgh.gov.uk By post - Tenant and Resident Services, ñ, Waverley Court, Level G.5, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH88BG. If you would like help completing this form, you can also contact the Edinburgh Tenants Federation: By telephone - (0131) 475 2509 By email -  HYPERLINK "info@edinburghtenants.org.uk" info@edinburghtenants.org.uk By post - Edinburgh Tenants Federation Norton Park, 57 Albion Road Edinburgh EH7 5QY Keeping your personal data safe Managing tenant group grants is part of the Councils public task. When you apply, we will need you to give us some personal data so we can process your application. Your personal information is kept securely and treated confidentially. The Councils  HYPERLINK "/privacy" Privacy Notice explains how this is done. The Privacy Notice is available on the Councils website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk" www.edinburgh.gov.uk or, if you need a paper copy, email  HYPERLINK "mailto:tenant.panel@edinburgh.gov.uk" tenant.panel@edinburgh.gov.uk or call 0131 529 7805. Council Standard Conditions of Grant The Council provides grant funding to third parties to improve social, environmental and economic outcomes for Edinburghs citizens and communities. The Council is committed to working in partnership with third party organisations, to ensure the agreed outcomes/objectives related to this funding are delivered. If you want to be considered for a Council grant, you must be willing to accept the Council Standard Conditions of Grant, which are attached.  TENANT GROUP GRANTS - APPLICATION FORM Awards of up to 10,000 Information about your group Group name Principal contact - name and position Contact address Contact telephone no. Contact email address Website address (if applicable)Social media handles (if applicable)  Please provide a brief description of your group and its main aims/activities:   Information about your application How will you use this grant?   Which area(s) of the city will benefit from your proposal?  Where will your proposal be based?  - How many people are anticipated to benefit from your proposal? - How many are council tenants?  How will your proposal meet the needs of equalities groups?   Are any other organisations involved in your proposal? Yes % No %If yes, please tell us which ones:  Have you discussed your proposal with anyone in the Council? Yes % No %If yes, please tell us who:  Have you obtained any consents, permissions or insurance necessary to carry out your proposal (we may ask you to provide evidence of this)? Yes % No % Not necessary % Financial information How much money are you applying for from the Housing Service?   Are you looking for money from any other sources? Yes % No %If yes, where from?  Please give details on how you plan to spend your grant: ItemEstimated spendTotal Please give details of your groups income for the last two financial years: Last year:This year:Pending:City of ñOther sourcesReserves (money remaining in your bank account)Grand Total: Please give details of your groups bank, building society or credit union account:  Name of bank Bank address Account name Account number Bank sort code - -  How did you find out about this fund?   Please make sure that the following documents have been included with this application:(Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association, Trust Deeds of your organisation Most recent annual (audited) accounts. Where your organisation is newly constituted, a most recent bank statement will suffice.Quotations (for equipment / machinery) List of those consulted on your proposal  DECLARATION All applications must be signed by two people who are recognised as representatives of your organisation; one of these people must be an office bearer. You are being asked to declare that: you are aware that to process grant payments, we need to collect, store, use, share and dispose of personal data. In doing so, we abide by the data protection principles set out in the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. The Privacy Notice on the Councils website explains how we do this:  HYPERLINK "http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/privacy" www.edinburgh.gov.uk/privacy you have read and will comply with the City of ñ conditions of grant (attached) to the best of your knowledge, that the information contained in this application and any accompanying attachments is accurate and typing your name into this form and submitting it by email is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this declaration. Signature Name Date Position  Signature Name Date Position  Please post this form to: Tenant and Resident Services, ñ, Waverley Court, Level G.5, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH88BG. Or email it to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tenant.panel@edinburgh.gov.uk" tenant.panel@edinburgh.gov.uk Council Standard Conditions of Grant These are the City of ñs (Council) standard conditions for the award of grant funding. The Council provides grant funding to third parties to improve social, environmental, health and well-being and economic outcomes for Edinburghs citizens and communities. The Council is committed to working in partnership with third party organisations, to ensure the agreed outcomes / objectives related to this funding are delivered. If you want to be considered for a Council grant, you must be willing to accept the following conditions (Please note that there may be additional conditions applied by the specific Council service making individual grant awards): 1 General 1.1 You must provide confirmation that your organisation is properly constituted i.e. a set of rules. You will be asked to provide a copy of your constitution to the Council and where appropriate your organisations Memorandums & Articles or equivalent. 1.2 You must only use Council funds for the purposes agreed with the Council, as stated in your Funding Agreement, or as agreed in writing by the Council and these should be treated as restricted funds in your organisations accounts. 1.3 All organisations are expected to have the following in place: suitable operational and financial management practices; proven effective organisational governance; auditable record keeping systems; and relevant employment, equalities, rights, and sustainability policies. 2 Sound Financial Practice 2.1 Your financial accounting practices should meet as a minimum the essential elements and requirements of the HYPERLINK "http://www.oscr.org.uk/media/2064/2015-10-28-amended-scottish-charity-accounts-guide.pdf"Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) unless otherwise agreed by the Council. If your grant is more than 10,000 annually, you will need to submit to the Council financial information as required by OSCR or where this is not available such other information as agreed by the Council. This financial information should be returned each financial year, either by 30 December or such other date as agreed with the relevant service area providing funding. If your grant is below 10,000 annually, you will need to submit records and receipts to demonstrate that the Council funds were used as indicated within your Funding Agreement. This information should be returned for the previous financial year, either by 31 July or another date set by the relevant service area providing funding. Failure by an organisation to submit the required financial information or annual performance report on request may seriously jeopardise any future funding relationship with the Council. The organisations record-keeping and management practices should be of a good standard compliant with the HYPERLINK "https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/record-keeping/public-records-scotland-act-2011/resources"Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011. 3 Monitoring the use of Council funds 3.1 The Council service area providing funding and the funded organisation will each nominate a contact person in respect of the grant to: be the initial point of contact on matters relating to their funding relationship; and ensure that the agreed monitoring and review processes are effectively managed. 3.2 The Council service areas nominated officer, for the purposes of the Funding Agreement, the Grant Monitoring Officer (GMO), will be entitled to attend the organisations Board/Committee meetings subject to giving advance notice and in an observer capacity and where the GMO requests must be provided with minutes and or board papers of such meetings. 3.3 The Council is committed to the principles of collaboration and co-production. Co-production means the real and meaningful involvement of the citizens of Edinburgh and recipients of services in delivering better outcomes. For the purposes of co-production and improving the service, the GMO may meet with service users for feedback sessions. As a grant recipient you are encouraged to communicate effectively and to work together with recipients of services and communities of interest to achieve and improve outcomes. 3.4 Performance in relation to the Funding Agreement will be reviewed annually through a variety of means and may involve at least one meeting per year for this purpose. The Council should be provided with a written report covering achievements against the Funding Agreement and detailing any outstanding plans for use of the grant. 3.5 If your grant is for more than 10,000 per annum, you will be required to provide an annual financial and performance report which shall include, outcomes, impacts and outputs delivered annually as a result of receiving the grant as detailed and agreed as part of the Funding Application. User satisfaction levels. Performance against targets set in Funding Agreement Volunteering and paid staff hours Additional funding received 3.6 If any Council funds contribute to an organisations financial reserves, these must be accounted for as restricted reserves. Where possible, an organisation should continue the general good practice guidance of maintaining non-earmarked reserves equal to three months operating expenditure. 3.7 If an organisation is winding up, the GMO must be consulted about any proposals to distribute surpluses and assets. Any unspent Council funding must be returned before any distribution is commenced. Approval may be sought from the Council to use unspent funding to meet outstanding commitments such as salaries, rents and costs incurred in winding up etc. 4 Climate Change and Protecting the Environment Climate Change is the biggest threat facing our planet which is why the City of Edinburgh has declared a climate emergency. The Councils HYPERLINK "/2030climatestrategy"2030 Climate Strategy calls upon our third sector partners and funded organisations to support the Councils net zero pledge for 2030. It also sets out the action city partners and citizens are asked to support the citys transition to net zero. Your organisations is asked to help deliver commitment to minimising its carbon by signing up to the HYPERLINK "https://www.edinburghclimate.org.uk/edinburgh-climate-compact"Edinburgh Climate Compact and by pledging to reduce your emissions. You will ideally have in place, or will develop policies and practices should minimise any detrimental environmental impacts and complement the Councils commitment to protecting and improving Edinburghs environment for future generations. 5 Equalities 5.1 Your organisation must have a commitment to mainstream equalities and rights in accordance with the HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance"Equality Act 2010 Both in terms of its practices employing staff and volunteers and in providing services, you should be able to show how your organisation: advances equality of opportunity; fosters good relations; and eliminates any unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation. 5.2 If service users or prospective service users ask, you must produce information in accessible formats (e.g. tape, disk format, Braille, large print (18 or 36 point) and community languages). Records of requests for accessible formats should be kept and shared with the GMO at Funding Agreement meetings. 6 Staff and Volunteers 6.1 If your activities involve children and adults at risk, you must: vet staff and volunteers using the national disclosure scheme and provide written confirmation that this has been carried out; train staff and volunteers to communicate effectively with clients and be aware of relevant safety issues; follow the policies and procedures for making the Council aware of HYPERLINK "http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/downloads/file/1405/our_joint_working_guidelines_for_adult_protection"any abuse or neglect; and be aware of and follow the Prevent Duty Guidance for Scotland. HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/prevent-duty-guidance/revised-prevent-duty-guidance-for-scotland"https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/prevent-duty-guidance/revised-prevent-duty-guidance-for-scotland Copies of procedures which may offer a useful framework, such as HYPERLINK "http://hub.careinspectorate.com/knowledge/safer-recruitment/"Safer Recruitment Through Better Recruitment, are available from your supporting service area. 6.2 Vacancies for posts, funded (or contributed to) by the Council grant, covering six months duration or longer, should be publicly advertised. Advertising must indicate that the organisation is in receipt of funding from the Council for the post(s) concerned. 6.3 If your activities involve the use of volunteers, volunteer management and support should be of the highest standard in line with the HYPERLINK "https://iiv.investinginvolunteers.org.uk"Investing in Volunteering scheme. 6.4 If a Council funded post lies vacant for a period of time, funding may be reduced proportionately. 6.5 Staff must not be hindered in any efforts to establish trade union recognition in your organisation. 7 Sponsorship and Publicity If offered sponsorship packages that could be considered controversial such as tobacco, alcohol or pay day lending, you must advise the GMO at the earliest opportunity. If you are in doubt, please contact your GMO to discuss. 7.2 If you produce any publicity or promotional information about your organisation, including information of events or exhibitions, social media activity, recruitment information or annual reports, this material must indicate the Councils support, proportionate to the level of funding being provided. In addition, this proportionally must be reflected when listing any other funders / supporters. 7.3 You must adhere to Council procedures relating to the acknowledgement of funding e.g. the Council logo, or the words Supported by the City of ñ should always appear on promotional material, websites, online presence, social media, programmes, annual reports and job vacancy advertisements. By prior agreement, the Council and the funded organisation shall be entitled to: host promotions, photo calls and press briefing at mutually-convenient times, located within the funded organisation; issue press releases regarding areas of the funding relationship at any time throughout the period of the fund; and work closely with the Councils Communication Team to identify mutually beneficially promotional opportunities. Your GMO can give you the relevant contact in the Councils Communication Team. 7.5 During the period of funding, any press release or other communications activity which relates to the relationship between a funded organisation and the Council, must be agreed by both parties before being issued. Any releases or other communications activity out-with this period that relate to activity associated with this funding must also reference the Councils support and the opportunity for the inclusion of a Council comment. 7.6 HYPERLINK "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/10/section/2"Section 2 of the Local Government Act 1986 prohibits the Council from publishing any material that appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party. The same section also prohibits the Council from awarding funding to organisations for this purpose. 8 Funding Terms 8.1 Funding agreements cover a single financial year. Where a grant award spans more than one year, this can be referenced in a funding agreement but awards for a second and subsequent year(s) of funding are in principle only. Funding agreements are reviewed and renewed annually and grant awards for second or subsequent year(s) are subject to the Councils own financial position as judgement on the satisfactory performance of funded organisations. 8.2 You acknowledge that the Council is bound by Grant Standing Orders and to encourage the future financial sustainability and diversity of funding sources all grant recipients are encouraged where possible to seek and secure alternative sources of funding and to acknowledge that Council grant programmes are subject to the requirement to openly advertise grants to all eligible applicants unless agreed by the relevant Committee. 8.3 Funding will be issued following the agreement of both parties to the Funding Agreement and related signing. The funds will be paid by the Council in the form of direct payment through BACS to the organisation's bank account. 8.4 The Funding Agreement will record the pattern of payments to be followed. Payment will be by BACS into the organisations bank account. 9 Breach, termination and variation of the Funding Agreement 9.1 The Council acting reasonably and proportionately shall have the right to demand immediate repayment by the organisation of the whole grant or any part thereof if there is failure to: give appropriate recognition of the Councils support as outlined above; comply with all the terms and conditions specified; attend, as appropriate, meetings with the Council; communicate in advance proposed changes in the Funding Agreement including any inability to meet agreed service delivery outcomes; act to meet the agreed targets contained in the Funding Agreement; make decisions or operate systems to the standards expected by the Council in managing public funds. 9.2 This agreement will automatically terminate with immediate effect: by reason of fundamental breach, unremedied or repeated default on the Funding Agreement conditions; following a breach of statutory duty; if the funded organisation is in receivership, insolvent or in liquidation; if the funded organisation does anything to bring the Council into disrepute. Based on any of the above, the Council reserves the right to the return of appropriate funds from the organisation. 9.3 To terminate a Funding Agreement, either party must submit a Notice of Termination to the Registered or Head Office of the other party by recorded delivery or registered post. 9.4 Any party wishing to vary a Funding Agreement will need to give a minimum of twenty-eight days notice to the other party or parties of the proposed variation. Any variation shall only be valid if agreed by both parties in writing. Miscellaneous Conditions For the purpose of this clause 10 the terms data controller, processor and personal data shall have the meaning set out in the Data Protection Legislation. Data Protection Legislation means all applicable laws relating to privacy and the processing of personal data including the HYPERLINK "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.119.01.0001.01.ENG"General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the HYPERLINK "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.119.01.0001.01.ENG"Data Protection Act 2018 or any equivalent or similar legislation implemented in the UK following the UKs withdrawal from the European Union. Information Legislation means the HYPERLINK "http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2002/13/contents"Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the HYPERLINK "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2004/520/contents/made"Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004. You must observe your obligations under the Data Protection Legislation and the Information Legislation, and shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, best practice and codes of practice. You acknowledge that the Council is subject to requirements under the Data Protection Legislation and the Information Legislation. Where requested by the Council, you will provide reasonable assistance and cooperation to the Council to assist the Councils compliance with its information disclosure obligations. On request from the Council you will provide the Council with all such relevant documents and information relating to your data protection policies and procedures. You acknowledge that the Council, acting in accordance with the codes of practice issued and revised from time to time relating to the Information Legislation, may disclose information concerning your organisation and this Funding Agreement without consulting you. You can request that specific information you provide to the Council as part of the Funding Agreement is exempted from disclosure under the Information Legislation. However, no guarantee can be given that the Council can comply with such a request. You agree that you are the data controller of any personal data processed by you for the funded activities agreed with the Council as stated in the Funding Agreement. You will comply fully with the Information Acts to the extent that they are applicable to you and with the ICOs public guidance for data controllers. You agree that the Council, its employees and contractors may use personal data which you provide about your staff, partners and participants involved in the activities agreed with the Council in order for the Council to administer and evaluate the grant, and to exercise the Councils rights under the Funding Agreement. You agree that the Council may share details of the grant, the name of your organisation and any personal data obtained from you with the Scottish Government and that such details may appear on any Government Grants Information System database which is available for search by other funders. You also agree to the Council publishing any details of the grant on the Councils website. You will ensure that you have adequate insurance including public liability and employers liability. 10.13 You will provide, if requested, evidence that where the award is used to purchase items of equipment, the equipment is adequately insured. In the event of the equipment being lost, stolen or damaged and not replaced, money obtained from the insurance must be paid to the Council. 10.14 In the event of items of capital equipment funded by the Council being no longer required, or an organisation with such equipment ceasing to exist, at the discretion of the appropriate Director, the equipment should be returned to the Council. 10.15 You will notify the Council of any conflict of interest that may reasonably be deemed to affect the impartiality of any member of staff, volunteer, Office Bearer or Board/Management Committee Member on any matter relevant to his or her duties. 10.16 You will provide evidence to the Council that the organisation is working to support the principles of Best Value. These principles include: Accountability to service users; Transparency in the organisations decision-making through easily accessible information; Demonstration of continuous improvement in the provision of services or activities; and Encouraging ownership of the organisation by all stakeholders through effective consultation processes. 10.17 The Council will not approve grants for projects whose members have been involved in activity deemed to be inappropriate by the Council e.g. fraud, criminal activity or breach of workforce regulations. Fair Work Practices / Living Wage Foundation Rate 11.1 The Council expects funded organisations to adopt policies which comply with HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.scot/binaries/content/documents/govscot/publications/advice-and-guidance/2023/03/fair-work-first-guidance-2/documents/fair-work-first-guidance-supporting-implementation-fair-work-first-workplaces-scotland/fair-work-first-guidance-supporting-implementation-fair-work-first-workplaces-scotland/govscot%3Adocument/fair-work-first-guidance-supporting-implementation-fair-work-first-workplaces-scotland.pdf"Fair Work First practices. Fair and equal pay, including the Living Wage, is a positive factor and one of the clearest ways in which a funded organisation can demonstrate that it adopts fair work policies. 11.2 The Council has committed to paying the HYPERLINK "https://www.livingwage.org.uk/"Living Wage Foundation Rate and therefore encourages funded organisations to do the same. 11.3 Funded organisations are also asked to demonstrate a commitment to Fair Work First practices through a variety of policies and practices. Fair Work First is the Scottish Governments policy for driving high quality and fair work, and workforce diversity across the labour market in Scotland by applying fair work criteria to grants, other funding and public contracts being awarded by and across the public sector, where it is relevant to do so. Fair Working First practices include payment of at least the real Living Wage provide appropriate channels for effective workers voice, such as trade union recognition investment in workforce development no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment and, oppose the use of fire and rehire practice. The Fair Work First criteria seek to address particular challenges in Scotlands labour market, to make a real difference to people and their communities, business and other organisations and the economy. New conditions of grant provision 12.1 If there is a need to introduce new conditions of grant, the Council will make organisations aware, including the reasons for their introduction. 13 Special Conditions Organisations must comply with the special conditions noted below: 13. 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