Generate high quality jobs and success

Supporting skills for Scotland’s future

Our partners are working together to establish

  • apprenticeships
  • placements 
  • learning

programmes that focus on

  • low-carbon skills
  • data-driven innovation
  • new technology.

Edinburgh College will also continue to build on its role in delivering childhood practice and health and social care training for students.

This will open opportunities to upskill and develop in new and existing employment sectors – increasing productivity in the local and regional economy.

Our learning partners, including Edinburgh College, will lead on delivering a learning strategy for Granton Waterfront that will deliver ambitious educational outcomes and community development. We’ll also seek collaborative opportunities with universities through data-driven innovation.

Edinburgh College is developing a new £70m Construction Centre of Excellence on their Granton campus. The centre will support delivery of Scotland’s skills pipeline which is needed for the future of the housing and construction industry.