Understanding your homeless decision

Request a review

If you disagree with any decision made, you are entitled to request a review within 21 days of receiving this decision. We would prefer this to be in writing but can take a verbal review. Email us at homeless.support@edinburgh.gov.uk


This means that due to your immigration status, we cannot assist you further. If your immigration status changes, you are entitled to request a new assessment

Not homeless

This means that we have assessed you as having a home that is reasonable for you to occupy.
The Council has no legal duty to offer you permanent accommodation and any temporary accommodation we may be providing would come to an end. If you lose this home, you are entitled to request a new assessment. We will then investigate if you have made yourself homeless intentionally.

Intentionally homeless

This means that we have assessed you as contributing to the loss of your last settled accommodation. We can provide you with temporary accommodation for a limited period and will provide you with advice on how to access other forms of housing. The Council has no legal duty to offer you permanent accommodation.

Unintentionally homeless, but no local connection to Edinburgh

This means that we have assessed you as being homeless through no fault of your own, but you have no connection to Edinburgh (a family member who have resided for at least 5 years, employment in the area, currently resident for at least 6 months out of the past 12 months, or previously 3 years out of the past 5 years or a special circumstance). We will determine which Local Authority you have a connection to and refer your homeless case to them. We can provide you with temporary accommodation until they accept the referral. You do not have to return to that Local Authority area, but you would have to source your own accommodation in Edinburgh. The Council has no legal duty to offer you permanent accommodation and any temporary accommodation we may be providing would come to an end.

Unintentionally homeless with a local connection

This means the Council has a legal duty to provide you with one offer of housing. Other Local Authorities may offer you more offers of housing. You will bid on for this, or if we observe you are not bidding in line with your bidding plan, we will bid for you. If you secure another form of housing or do not require further help, you must inform us immediately.

Email us at HPHOT.HousingAssistants@edinburgh.gov.uk if you no longer need help