Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 51060. Received: 01/10/2024

Data on Second Homes and Empty Homes (2022-2024)

The number of second homes, empty homes, and long-term empty homes (empty for over 6 months) recorded in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Request no. 51062. Received: 01/10/2024

EV Charging Data Over Past Five Years

The number of charging sessions, total customer spend, and energy consumed at local authority EV charging points over the past five years, broken down by charger type & other questions.

Request no. 51063. Received: 01/10/2024

2023 CCTV Camera Data and Expenditure

The total number of public CCTV cameras, the number of faulty or out-of-operation cameras, and the total expenditure on installation and maintenance of CCTV cameras in public spaces during 2023, including breakdowns if available.

Request no. 51065. Received: 01/10/2024

Fleet and Waste Services Data

Full fleet list, CCTV and telematics details, fleet replacement programmes, safety-related incidents, waste service operations, IT systems for waste management, contract details, and expiry dates for waste collection management & other questions.

Request no. 51066. Received: 01/10/2024

Corstorphine LTN Funding Applications

Copies of funding applications for Corstorphine LTN, including both internal applications to City of ÂÌñÉç and external applications to third parties or partner organisations, e.g. Sustrans, Transport for Scotland or any other body.

Request no. 51067. Received: 01/10/2024

Dalry Cemetery Volunteer Access

When was the first request received, that all Friends of Dalry Cemetery volunteers should be prevented from using the main entrance to Dalry Cemetery on Dalry Road?

Request no. 51068. Received: 01/10/2024

Breakdown of Projects Affected by Diverted Nature Restoration Fund Allocation

Please supply a detailed breakdown of all projects, pieces of work and pots of money that have been cut or affected by the diverting of allocation from the Nature Restoration Fund to help settle pay deals.

Request no. 51069. Received: 01/10/2024

DSDP Intermediate Course for ÂÌñÉç taxi

What qualifications the lecturers have?

Request no. 51074. Received: 01/10/2024

School Trips Policies and Funding

The text of school trip policies, maximum limit on parent contributions, available ring-fenced funding for trips, and the number of authorised school trips over the last five financial years, broken down by primary and secondary.

Request no. 51075. Received: 01/10/2024

Garden Waste Collection Charges

Information on charges for garden waste collection, including when fees were implemented, annual fees, total fees collected per year, percentage of households with valid permits, duration of free collection & other questions.

Request no. 51076. Received: 01/10/2024

Copy of Pocket Places Funding Application

Can I have a copy of the application CEC &/or Corstorphine Connections made for funding from 'Pocket Places' funding please?

Request no. 51079. Received: 01/10/2024

Council Spending on Christmas Decorations and Events

Data on council spending for Christmas decorations, including labour and other costs for 2022, 2023, and 2024. Additionally, information on expenditure for Christmas lights and council Christmas party costs & other questions.

Request no. 51081. Received: 01/10/2024

Temporary Contracts and Teacher Data (2018/19 to 2023/24)

Data on temporary contracts for teachers, school support staff, other staff, supply teachers, and agency teachers. Includes detailed breakdowns of work patterns, costs, and guarantees of hours for the years 2018/19 to 2023/24 & other questions.

Request no. 51082. Received: 02/10/2024

Teacher Absence Data (Last Seven Years)

Average number of teacher absence days (primary and secondary) over the last seven years, with breakdowns by individual school, secondary subjects, and stress-related absences in local authority schools & other questions.

Request no. 51083. Received: 02/10/2024

Potholes Reported, Repaired & Road Maintenance Budget

The number of potholes reported and repaired since 2022, along with the estimated road maintenance budget for each financial year since 2021/22.

Request no. 51085. Received: 02/10/2024

Repairs History - Pennywell Grove

A detailed list of repairs carried out at Pennywell Grove, log for calls made regarding water leakage & other questions.

Request no. 51088. Received: 02/10/2024

Gogar Roundabout, Edinburgh - CCTV Footage

Can you please advise whether there is any CCTV on the roundabout that may have captured the accident?

Request no. 51092. Received: 02/10/2024

Current Entries in the Register of Contaminated Land

Request for details of all current entries in the register of contaminated land.

Request no. 51094. Received: 02/10/2024

Sainsbury's Section 106 Agreement -Ref: 09/00750/FUL

Information regarding the financial contributions under Sainsbury's Section 106 Agreement, including details of schemes, expenditure, allocation, remaining funds, and accrued interest.

Request no. 51096. Received: 02/10/2024

Teaching Staff Using Alternative Pronouns

Data on how many primary and high school teachers, classroom staff, and teaching assistants use the pronoun Mx or any alternative to Ms, Miss, Mrs, or Mr.

Request no. 51097. Received: 02/10/2024

Roads Inspection Route NW_CF1_WestShore1

A list of all streets included in inspection route NW_CF1_WestShore1 & whether the inspection route is carried out from a vehicle or on foot.

Request no. 51100. Received: 02/10/2024

Pothole Reports and Defect and Repair Policy - Kirk Loan

Copies of all full repair, inspection, maintenance, and defect reports for potholes from 21 April 2023 to 21 April 2024, as well as a copy of the Defect and Repair Policy.


Request no. 51101. Received: 02/10/2024

Highway Asset Management Strategy and Budget Proportions for 2024/25

Please provide your highway asset management strategy for carriageways, in particular how do you proportion your capital carriageway budget across your road hierarchy and by what proportions?

Request no. 51102. Received: 02/10/2024

Mobile Phones and Online Bullying in Schools

Data on schools in the local authority banning mobile phones, mobile phones confiscated from pupils in primary and secondary schools, and reports of online bullying in both primary and secondary schools over the last three academic years.

Request no. 51103. Received: 02/10/2024

Oracle Fusion Contract Funding and Costs

Information regarding the Oracle Fusion contract, including the total value funded externally, the long-term duration of funding and the contract, and the total cost, including additional service, third-party, and implementation costs.

Request no. 51104. Received: 03/10/2024

Potholes Reported and Repaired, and Associated Repair Costs

The number of potholes reported and repaired for 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (to the fullest extent). Also, request for the council's annual expenditure on pothole repairs for the same years.

Request no. 51111. Received: 03/10/2024

HMO Licence Register Information

The latest copy of the HMO Licence Register with detailed information including HMO property address, licence holder, licence details, and property specifics under Section 232 of the Housing Act 2004 and relevant statutory regulations.

Request no. 51112. Received: 03/10/2024

Pentland Hills Regional Park filming revenue

Annual revenue details from 2014/15 to 2022/23 for services to film and TV productions, including location rental and permits. Also seeking breakdown of services rendered and yearly expenditure on facilitating these arrangements.

Request no. 51114. Received: 03/10/2024

Authorisation and Rationale of Ingliston Interchange Roadworks

Regarding the 27 potholes made safe at the Ingliston Interchange on January 25th 2024, would it be possible for you also to tell me who authorised these works and what the rationale was for making the repairs?

Request no. 51115. Received: 03/10/2024

Contracts with Caledonian Group

Has your organisation had any previous or current contracts with Caledonian Group, a nationwide street-cleaning company based in West Lothian, in relation to Fair Work First policies for public sector contractors?

Request no. 51116. Received: 03/10/2024

Social Care Assessment and Package Wait Times

Data on wait times for social care assessments and packages, broken down by calendar years 2021-2024. Specifically asking for details on people waiting over 6, 13, 26, and 52 weeks & other questions.

Request no. 51117. Received: 03/10/2024

Pupil Attendance Figures and Free School Meals Data

Pupil attendance data over the past six years, showing numbers of pupils with less than 90%, 80%, 50%, and 0% attendance, broken down by P1-4, P5-7, S1-3, and S4-6. Also, the same breakdown for pupils receiving free school meals.

Request no. 51118. Received: 03/10/2024

Pothole Report and Repair Information - Drum St Roundabout

Details regarding a pothole located at Drum St roundabout joining Gilmerton Rd, including the number of reports made since March 2023 and any repair attempts undertaken.

Request no. 51122. Received: 03/10/2024

Traffic Light Sequence Request - Queensferry Road, Drumbrae North Junction

The traffic light sequence dated 23rd September 2024 on Queensferry Road in Edinburgh at the Drumbrae North junction.

Request no. 51125. Received: 03/10/2024

Primary School Swimming Programme and Council Swimming Pools

Details on the council's primary school swimming programme, including budget allocation, number of swimming pools overseen by the council, and how many council-run pools have closed since 2019.

Request no. 51126. Received: 03/10/2024

Most and Least Energy Efficient Council Buildings

Information on the most energy efficient and the least energy efficient buildings within the council's jurisdiction.

Request no. 51127. Received: 03/10/2024

Community Centres and Budget Allocation

The number of community centres in Edinburgh, how many have closed since 2019, and the portion of the annual revenue budget allocated to their maintenance.

Request no. 51129. Received: 04/10/2024

Residential Property Data and Tolerable Standard Compliance

The number of residential properties under the council's responsibility, how many are unfit for habitation under The Tolerable Standard (Housing Act 1987), and how many currently have tenants.

Request no. 51131. Received: 04/10/2024

Taxi Driver Licence Rejections

Could you supply how many taxi driver licence requests were rejected in the last five years, with a breakdown per year and an explanation of why the request was rejected?

Request no. 51132. Received: 04/10/2024

Scott & Co - Parking Ticket Collections

The number of fully paid parking tickets subject to a Schedule of Arrestment from 2020/21 to 2024/25 and the percentage of revenue collected by Scott & Co retained for themselves.

Request no. 51133. Received: 04/10/2024

Pupil Panic Attacks

How many pupils in (a) primary school and (b) secondary school were recorded as having a panic attack during school in each of the past three years and showing the results for each year broken down by gender.

Request no. 51134. Received: 04/10/2024

Crematoria Energy, Costs, and Revenue Data

Data on energy consumption, costs, cremation pricing, and frequency from all crematoria facilities under the authority for the past four years. Includes kWh consumed during cremations, cost of energy & other questions.

Request no. 51137. Received: 04/10/2024

Leith Walk Traffic Regulation Orders

A copy of the current Traffic Regulation Orders covering Leith Walk

Request no. 51138. Received: 04/10/2024

PCN Issued for Permit Holders in Motorcycle Spaces

The number of PCNs issued for people with a permit parking in the purported motorcycles space on Northumberland Street.

Request no. 51143. Received: 04/10/2024

Communications Related to Far-Right Groups

Please share any communications held by the council which refer to the far right groups Homeland/The Homeland Party or Patriotic Alternative for the period spanning from May 2023 to the present date.

Request no. 51144. Received: 04/10/2024

Community Payback Orders - Unpaid Work Hours and Activities

Data on outstanding unpaid work hours for Community Payback Orders (CPOs), historical data from 2011 to 2024, reasons for uncompleted hours, breaches, and activities contributing to CPOs across the years & other questions.

Request no. 51146. Received: 04/10/2024

Road Defect Information for Harlaw Road, Balerno, Edinburgh

a photo of pothole (defect no. 42145258) from 26 January 2024 and details of the repairs carried out for job no. 50151318, located 8m north of the telegraph pole, categorised as a category 3 defect with a 60-day repair timeframe.

Request no. 51148. Received: 04/10/2024

Documents and Information Regarding Pothole Reporting and Repairs

Documents on how the City of ÂÌñÉç records public pothole reports, methodology for assessing pothole severity, criteria for prioritising repairs, and details on the number of potholes repaired in the most recent 12-month period.

Request no. 51151. Received: 04/10/2024

Office Accommodation and Costs for Trade Union Activities

Details on office space provided for trade union business, payroll deductions for union subscriptions, facility time costs and budget for FY 2023/24 and 2024/25, FTE union officials funded & other questions.

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