Improving Edinburgh neighbourhoods

How our service works

MTIS organise, plan and oversee the work while keeping owners and tenants updated and involved. This means the work will be done with less stress and time commitment from you.

We work using the Tenement Management Scheme (TMS) rules. This is a process set down in law in the Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004. This helps protect owners doing common repairs. It sets out the steps that owners need to take when making decisions about carrying out common repairs. Each flat owner, including the Council as owner, has to vote for or against the scope of works, and a majority vote results in what is called a Scheme Decision. An owner may object to the Scheme Decision within 28 days but after this time the decision is legally binding.

We obtain quotes from a number of approved contractors using a Council framework to ensure work is carried out to a high standard by reputable companies, all while ensuing value for money.

In mixed tenure blocks, parts of the block are shared - like the roof, external walls and stairs. The service replaces defective roofs, adds insulation to the external walls and carries out necessary repairs and maintenance works to other shared areas where owners vote in favour of the works. The service does not cover repairs made to individual flats. Once we have surveyed your block, the survey report will detail the recommended repairs, along with estimated costs and timescales. The title deeds of the block contain rules about how costs are to be split within the block. The Council will represent all Council-owned flats during the project and fund the respective portion of the costs. Council tenants will be kept up to date with newsletters but are not required for the voting process.

Below you will find a summary of how our service works through stages 1 to 3.

Stage 1 – Consultation, Survey and Vote

We will

  • contact all residents to introduce ourselves and explain the service
  • assign a dedicated case officer for your block
  • in blocks where the council owns less than 51% of the flats, conduct a vote to proceed with a building condition survey
  • carry out a survey of the building to assess the condition of external walls, roofs, drainage etc and identify level of insulation present.(note – we will not be surveying inside private homes)
  • identifying any work required to bring the building up to an acceptable standard
  • send all owners a vote form with a copy of the survey report and a cost estimate for the required repairs and maintenance and ask you to vote for or against the recommended work
  • let all residents know the result of the vote  - the ‘Scheme Decision’
  • assist homeowners in applying for any government funding they are eligible for
  • represent all council-owned flats during the project.

Stage 2 - Construction

We will

  • obtain relevant statutory consents i.e. building warrants
  • appoint reputable contractors to carry out the work and give you details of the work timetable
  • ensure building standards, health and safety standards and other regulatory requirements are met by our contractors
  • provide an updated cost estimate to owners
  • oversee the project and keep owners and residents updated on the progress of the work.

Stage 3 – Completion and Billing

We will

  • check the work is complete and to a high standard and agree the final account with the contractor
  • contact owners with an invoice for your share of the work
  • support homeowners through our Scheme of Assistance which includes available grant aid, payments plans, property purchase etc.
  • conclude statutory consents i.e. obtain completion certification

How we communicate with you

We will

  • send all residents letters at key stages of the project to let them know about the surveys, vote, Scheme Decision, timetable for the work, and the costs
  • send all residents regular newsletters and post regular updates on the progress of any works in the area on our web pages
  • have an on-site liaison officer who will be your first point of call for all construction-related issues and information on progress of the work
  • Arrange a drop in session on site to answer any questions at staged intervals throughout the project.

If you are an owner or tenant you can also contact our area case officers directly with any queries or questions by emailing MTIS@edinburgh.gov.uk