Local Place Plan

Registering your Local Place Plan

If you have produced a Local Place Plan, it must be registered with us. To register your plan, please email a copy to us at cityplan2040@edinburgh.gov.uk.

We will carry out a validation check. This includes:

  • checking that the Local Place Plan is from a properly constituted community body
  • making sure it contains all the required information
  • checking it against the legal requirements in the 

Once we have completed all the checks, we will register your Local Place Plan and upload it to our Local Place Plan register.

Ideally, you should submit Local Place Plans by Summer/Autumn 2025. This is when we are scheduled to start the plan preparation stage of City Plan 2040. Our next Development Plan Scheme will provide more information on the City Plan 2040 timetable.

If you submit your plan after any future deadline we will consider it as part of the ongoing planning process.

Our holds planning and environmental information on every area within the City of Edinburgh boundary on a map base.