Local Housing strategy

Producing a Local Housing strategy is a statutory requirement for all Scottish local authorities.

We want to hear your views to help shape our Local Housing strategy.

The strategy will set out the vision for all types of housing and housing-related services in Edinburgh for the coming years. It will consider key challenges and opportunities for housing in Edinburgh and will help shape plans and investment. The strategy will include an action plan and progress will be reported annually.

Have your say

Edinburgh has the fastest growing population in Scotland and a housing sector facing big challenges. It is important we have a strong housing strategy that is shaped by the views of our citizens and partner organisations.

We need your help to create the new strategy and inform housing need and services in Edinburgh for the years ahead. An initial survey ran for six weeks to gather views on what the key housing priorities are for Edinburgh. This survey closed on 14 June 2024 and the results will be available soon.

Developing the strategy

Responses to the initial survey will help to develop the strategy. There will be lots of further ways to get involved throughout June to October 2024. This is to make sure that as many citizens and organisations have the opportunity to share their views.

We will publish a draft of the strategy at the end of 2024 for consultation and feedback over December 2024 to February 2025. The final strategy will be completed by May 2025.

Local Housing strategy

If you'd like to have a chat with us or join the mailing list, please get in touch. It would be great to hear from you!

Address: Enabling and Partnerships
Housing Research G5
Waverley Court
4 East Market Street

Telephone: 0131 529 5202