Community mediation

Not all disputes with your neighbour are classed as antisocial behaviour. Where you are in a dispute with your neighbour, mediation may be something that can help.

Family and Household Support use mediation to help bring neighbours together to discuss and resolve disagreements between neighbours. Examples of where mediation can be helpful include

  • domestic noise,
  • clash of lifestyles,
  • general family or living noise.

Community Mediation can offer

  • a practical, free and quick way of helping you settle a dispute with your neighbour and;
  • It is confidential, except for information relating to fraudulent or criminal activity and where the mediator identifies a safeguarding matter.

It is

  • voluntary,
  • allows you to get a clearer idea of what the problem is,
  • impartial - mediators don’t take sides,
  • realistic and practical,
  • avoids the stress and financial aspects of employing a solicitor and going to court and
  • it can help you and your neighbour come to an agreement.

What are the benefits of mediation?

You are in control - the mediators will help you to make your own decisions about your dispute.

You can withdraw at any time during the process.

Nothing will be done without your agreement.

Evidence shows that neighbours who have participated in mediation and have reached an agreement are more likely to stick to it. Mediation can help you reach a point where you and your neighbour can live amicably alongside each other.

 How do I get someone to help me?

To find out if mediation can help, you can contact your local office and ask to speak to someone in Family and Household Support about mediation.

A member of staff will talk to you about your current situation and assess if mediation might be able to help. If they think it would and you would be keen to give it a try then, with your permission, they will contact your neighbour and speak to them and assess if they were also prepared to get involved. If both households agree, then a referral will be made to a trained Mediator.