How to get a direct payment

How much you will get

The amount of your direct payment depends on your assessment and care plan.

Care at home is paid as an hourly rate. You may have to top up the direct payment with your own money, if you choose an agency which has a higher rate per hour.

The rate you receive for a personal assistant depends on the job they will be doing. We will discuss this with you. We will also make sure you get support to employ a personal assistant (PA) if this is the option you choose. You cannot usually employ any relatives to provide your care. We do not recommend you use self employed PAs.

We pay day service direct payments by the number of days per week, and respite direct payments by a number of nights per year.

We pay your direct payment every four weeks. 

All care at home and some respite direct payments are financially assessed. We will take off your contribution before paying you the net amount.