Strategic Development Plan

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 removes the need for the preparation of Strategic Development Plans. Strategic planning matters will be set out in the  (NPF4) which was adopted on 13 February 2023. 

All strategic development plans and any supplementary guidance issued in connection with them cease to have effect following the adoption of NPF4.

The is therefore no longer part of the Council’s development plan.

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduces the concept of Regional Spatial Strategies. These are non-statutory documents which provide a spatial representation of the key regional land use issues requiring to be addressed across the region. 

Although non-statutory in nature, they do not form part of the development plan and will not have a status in planning decisions. Their purpose is to guide the development of the NPF4 and Local Development Plans. 

An interim Regional Spatial Strategy for Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region has been submitted to Scottish Government for consideration.