Improving Neighbourhoods

Oxgangs House improvements

A renovation programme is being planned for Oxgangs House to make improvements to all three blocks, flat numbers 1 to 36. These repairs will benefit residents by making homes safer, warmer and more comfortable. They will also improve the look of the overall environment and quality of life of people living there.

The proposed scope of works includes:

  • Extending roof edges
  • Replacing roof coverings
  • Repairing existing render
  • Installing external wall insulation
  • Painting and repairing cracks in the common stair areas
  • Replacing common windows and doors

As an owner and local authority landlord, the Council has an obligation to maintain and repair homes for our tenants. We also share responsibility with other owners in the building to maintain common areas. As the majority owner in two of the three blocks of flats at Oxgangs House, the Council is proposing that we will take the lead role in arranging the works on behalf of all owners.

We will consult with owners about the costs and scope of the repairs.


Over the next few months, we will be in touch with residents about the proposed repairs. If you are an owner, we will send letters directly to you, to keep you informed of the process for making decisions on the scope and cost of repairs.


Owners, including the Council, in mixed tenure tenements are responsible for paying their share towards repairs and maintenance to common areas of the block.

We’ll send owners a cost estimate before any work starts, including a voting pack. If a majority agreement is reached to go ahead, we will arrange for the works to start and then an invoice will be sent to owners for their share on completion. This will usually be within three months of the work finishing.

Depending on your personal circumstances, owners may be eligible for grant funding towards the cost of some of the work, which we will arrange on your behalf. Contact your case officer for initial help unless this is financial advice. The Council cannot provide financial advice and you will need to contact an independent financial advisor for this.

We understand that owners will be concerned about the cost of the repairs and how you will pay for this. Information about the financial support available to you is on our website and options might include

  • using savings or other assets
  • seeking financial advice before taking out a loan
  • consider a payment plan with the Council – be aware of the terms of the debt re-payment plan and compare this to an external loan arrangement
  • consider the Council’s policy under ‘Acquisitions and Disposal’ for an option to sell back to the Council.

We would recommend you seek independent legal advice as the Council cannot provide financial advice.

Further information

If you have any questions contact

0131 527 3800


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