Travelling Safely projects

Comment on measures and next steps

We have made changes to the ETROs for the travelling safely schemes. We will let you know about these dates by updating this page, advertising in the press and with local promotion.

All the comments we have received so far will continue to be included in the trial assessment report following the end of the consultation period.

If you have commented previously you don't need to do so again, although you can if you wish.

When each area's statutory six-month period opens you will be able to

  • comment
  • offer support
  • raise an objection

on the restrictions or prohibitions included in the various schemes.

We aim to advertise each area's consultation start date in

  • City Centre, advertised on 9 February - consultation runs from 19 February to 18 August 2024
  • East, advertised on 19 April -consultation runs from 29 April to 28 October 2024
  • West, advertised on 7 June -consultation runs from 17 June to 16 December 2024
  • North, advertised on 14 June - consultation runs from 24 June to 23 December 2024
  • South, June 2024.

Next steps

Once each statutory six-month consultation is closed, the feedback you provide will be considered and reported to a future meeting of the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee (or other appropriate committee) to decide whether the trial schemes may be

  • made permanent
  • removed
  • modified.

Monitoring and evaluation period

An ETRO can stay in force for a maximum of 18 months while the effects are monitored and assessed. We will monitor and evaluate each scheme to see if it has been successful.

Future plans for more permanent infrastructure

Should the monitoring and evaluation suggest a scheme has been successful, we may consider keeping them, possibly with permanent infrastructure to suit a longer-term road layout.

Councillors would decide on future funding and longer-term investment for these active travel schemes.