Reusable nappies guide

Nappy wraps, liners and boosters

Nappy wraps

These are waterproof or water-resistant covers that go over a separate absorbent nappy to keep clothing dry and clean. Unless they are soiled, wraps do not need to be washed at each nappy change and can be left to air.


Liners are used to catch solid waste and are placed inside the nappy next to the skin. The liner allows the wetness to pass through it into the nappy, which keeps the baby’s bottom drier.

Fleece liners

Reusable fleece liners are made from microfibre and are very good at drawing the moisture away from the baby’s skin. Poo can be sluiced down the toilet before the liner is machine washed with your nappies. You can make these yourself by cutting up some fleece.

Disposable liners

Disposable liners can be used for when babies have solids, to catch the solid before it soils the nappy itself. These are then put in the general waste.


Booster pads come in a variety of materials, for example, bamboo, and are designed to add extra absorbency to your nappy. They are especially useful for overnight use or for babies who are heavy wetters. They can be used with any type of nappy.

Nappy information and advice