High winds, gales and storms

How to prepare for the storm

To prepare before the storm you can

  • secure loose objects that could be blown away
  • lock doors and windows, and especially large doors such as those on garages
  • park vehicles in a garage or keep them clear of buildings, trees, walls and fences
  • close and secure loft trapdoors
  • move beds away from areas directly below chimney stacks, if the stacks are tall and in poor condition.

During the storm you should stay indoors and do not go outside to repair damage.

If you have to go out you should

  • try not to walk or shelter close to buildings and trees
  • enter and leave your house through doors in the sheltered side
  • keep internal doors closed


Do not drive unless your journey is really necessary. If you have to drive slow down and be aware of side winds on exposed routes such as bridges or high open roads. Take particular care if you are towing or driving a high sided vehicle.

You can get up to date information from  and .


If there are issues of concern please report them to the Forestry service immediately contacting

0131 311 7074



Tree concern examples:

  • Snapped or hanging branches large enough to cause injury if they fall.
  • Cracks or splits in the main branches or stem that open with wind movement of the tree.
  • Tree leaning at an angle more than before the storm.
  • Movement of the main stem of the tree at ground level. This is usually seen by the ground heaving as the tree sways. Trees sway in the wind normally but should not be moving at its base.