Recording prejudice-based incidents

How to report a prejudice-based incident

Employee actions

  1. Report all incidents to your line manager in the first instance. They're responsible for recording the incident on the SHE portal and for investigating the situation using established policies and procedures.
  2. If you don’t feel you can report the incident to your line manager (if your complaint relates to them for example), you can report it to another senior manager or contact askHR on 0131 469 5555.
  3. The askHR team will refer this to the appropriate manager within your service area to deal with and provide you with a conversation ID as a reference.

Witness actions

  1. If you want to report an incident as a witness, you should report it in the same way as an employee does.
  2. If you’re unsure who to report it to, contact askHR on 0131 469 5555, who will record the incident and refer it to the appropriate line manager to deal with.

Manager actions

Managers are responsible for recording the incident on the Health & Safety Management Information System and for investigating the situation using established policies and procedures.

  1. To report a prejudice-based incident, log into the SHE portal (link is available from the Orb: Home > Health and Safety > Incident reporting) and submit the appropriate form.
  2. Complete all the required fields with details of the incident.
  3. Once an appropriate resolution has been reached, log back into the SHE portal, and update with the outcome.

This guidance does not describe how incidents of these types should be investigated and resolved once they’ve been reported, as this should continue to be carried out in line with the appropriate policy. It's therefore supplementary to existing Disciplinary and Grievance policies.

You should contact the employee reporting the prejudiced-based incident within 10 working days of being informed.

Manager responsibilities

  • Be vigilant for prejudice-based incidents.
  • Understand that they have a role to play in creating and safeguarding an inclusive culture.
  • Ensure that incidents are dealt with quickly and effectively, in line with the appropriate policy and procedure.
  • Prepare to have open discussions about unacceptable behaviour between colleagues, appreciate the sensitive nature of the conversation, and respect confidentiality.
  • Be supportive of colleagues who raise concerns of unacceptable behaviour, and signpost relevant sources of support where appropriate, such as the Employee Assistance Programme.