Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Financial Redress Scheme

The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill 2021 set up a scheme to make financial payments to survivors of historical child abuse in care in Scotland . The bill also provides recognition of the significant harm caused to survivors.

Under the Scheme, survivors can apply for different bands of redress, ranging from £10,000 to £100,000. Each band will have its own evidentiary requirements. In some cases, next of kin may also apply for a redress payment of £10,000.

You can make a request for care records held by us for the purposes of the Financial Redress Scheme.

Make a request for care records

The bill also includes provision for psychological support and apologies from organisations implicated in the allegations of abuse.

For further information on the Redress Scheme and how to apply, please see the .  

Download Financial Redress Scheme awareness leaflet.