Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

ÂÌñÉç involvement

When an allegation of abuse is made, the Council works closely with partner agencies to investigate the concerns raised.

The Council has fully co-operated with the National Inquiry and has provided information to further their research and investigations.

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry Team was set up in February 2017 to manage and respond to requests for information from the Inquiry. This multidisciplinary team sit within the Council’s Information Governance Unit. They are supported by Children’s Services, HR and Legal Services.

The Team also provides support to survivors who want to access their care records. A social work professional is on hand to help care experienced people make sense of their journeys using their records. They can provide context that might help people understand their records and time in care. This support is entirely voluntary, free of charge and available at any stage. If you have already accessed your care records and wish to access support, please contact us.

If you want to access your records, please visit our accessing care records page.