Council housing annual tenants report


Every year the Scottish Housing Regulator reviews social landlord performance. and compare our performance with other landlords in Scotland.

Like all landlords, the Council had to continue to adapt to the post COVID-19 environment in 2022/23. The COVID-19 measures meant changes had to be made in the way services were delivered, as well as the way some information has been recorded and reported. Although most of the restrictions were removed in 2022/23, there continues to be impacts affecting service delivery and performance.

We are committed to addressing all areas where performance needs to improve. We have a which is focused on delivering more effective and responsive services for tenants.

Along with the performance indicators, the ARC includes seven satisfaction indicators, that we are required to ask our tenants through survey at least once every three years.  The tenant satisfaction results reported in the 2022/23 ARC were a combination of results from the 2021 and 2022 tenant surveys.  All seven satisfaction questions were asked in 2021 tenant survey, but three of them were asked again in 2022 tenant survey, where the updated results were reported in the latest ARC. Telephone interviews were carried out with 1,000 Council tenants across the city in both 2021 and 2022. The survey was taken from a sample of about 3,500 tenants representative of our full tenant profile in terms of gender, locality and house type.

The performance report also includes some operational performance data and updates on the five-year capital improvement programme.

We’d like to see more tenants sharing their views and help us improve services at this challenging time. To get involved or to give feedback on this report you can contact us


0131 529 7805.