Council housing annual tenants report

Overall service

We have approximately 20,000 homes across the city, making us the sixth biggest landlord in Scotland.

Around 24,500 households are currently registered with EdIndex (Edinburgh’s common housing register for the Council and 17 social housing landlords) and an average of 197 households bid for every social rented home that becomes available for let.

76.3% of tenants who participated in the most recent tenant survey were satisfied with the service provided by the Council. This was a decrease from 80.8% for last year’s ARC and is below the current local authority average of 83.2%.

Our 2021 survey found that 99% of tenants were satisfied with the opportunities they had to take part in the Council’s decision-making processes. It was encouraging to see the high satisfaction rate in this area, which is above the local authority average of 76.5%. Examples of decision-making processes include the rent consultation we carried out in 2022/23 to inform the 2023/24 housing budget where tenants were invited to take part in the consultation via an article featured in the Tenants’ Courier that was sent to all Council tenants. 

How we are improving

We are continuing to deliver on tenant priorities to build more homes, improve existing homes and neighbourhoods and deliver new and improved services.

The Housing Service Improvement Plan (HSIP) aims to

  • increase tenant satisfaction
  • improve performance
  • reduce costs and ensure value for money.

The HSIP covers all areas of the service, including

  • core service delivery such as repairs and letting our homes
  • the way we communicate with our tenants
  • better use of online services.