Generate high quality jobs and success

Create jobs and apprenticeships

We’ll create over 16,000 jobs and more than 220 apprenticeships through regenerating Granton.

Over 10,000 jobs will be created by investing in construction. The development will use modern and innovative construction methods, creating job opportunities in the emerging tech sector. Longer-term, our ambition is also to provide high-quality and skilled permanent employment in a variety of growth sectors.

Our partners are working together on the Data Driven Innovation (DDI) Skills Gateway Project, which is part of the .

We’ll also aim to promote careers in

  • science
  • technology
  • engineering
  • arts
  • mathematics
  • other data-related professions.

We expect that stimulating new enterprise will create hubs of knowledge-sharing and innovation by encouraging more start-ups to locate and evolve in Granton Waterfront. We’ll develop approaches to service delivery and access to attract more public and private sector employers.