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National Apprenticeship Week 2021: Meet Daniel and Katie!

It's National Apprenticeship Week this week!

To celebrate, we would like to introduce you to some of our Modern Apprentices we have working on the Trams to Newhaven project as they explain what their working day looks like and what advice they have for those looking at modern apprenticeship schemes. 

First up meet Daniel our Assistant Cost Manager. 

Daniel one of our modern apprentices on the project.


What does day to day life on the project look like for you?

  • First, I look at my emails and plan my day around my scheduled meetings.
  • I would then get on my PPE, go for a site walk and take notes to fill in the site diary.
  • I check the system to see if there are any invoices that need to be checked and assigned.
  • I attend the commercial meetings like the budget transfer review and the weekly catch up.

What do you find the most challenging about your apprenticeship?

I feel that time is the hardest aspect of the apprenticeship. Balancing full time work with my university studies, as well as keeping up with the apprenticeship programme and keeping a healthy social life can be very challenging. 

What do you find most rewarding about your apprenticeship?

The best part about the apprenticeship is learning whilst working. We get the opportunity to get our degree whilst in full time work, giving us the chance to learn on the job as well as gaining real life experience of the things that we learn about. The only way to get this kind of opportunity and experience is through the apprenticeship programme.  

What’s your advice to anyone thinking about an a modern apprenticeship?

I would say to go for it, it’s a great opportunity and the best way to get into the industry. It sets you up for a great career whilst meeting a lot of different and knowledgeable people.


Next meet Katie, our Assistant Project Manager. 

Katie one of the modern apprentices on the project.


What does day to day life on the project look like for you?

Every day is different which I like.  I’m involved in team meetings and design meetings.  I take part in site walks and keep progress reports up to date. 

What do you find the most challenging about your apprenticeship?

Time management, balancing the demand of work and university.

What do you find most rewarding about your apprenticeship?

Learning from my colleagues and being part of a team working to see a project come into being.

What’s your advice to anyone thinking about an a modern apprenticeship?

Go for it.  It is hard work but the amount you will learn and the experiences you gain are unbelievable. 

Published: 10th February 2021