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Support for business

Tram artist impression constitution streetSupporting local business throughout the works

Our aim is to maintain the vibrancy, desirability and accessibility of the streets affected by the Trams to Newhaven Project

The Council and the project’s contractors have committed over £2.4m of funding to support local business via a series of measures intended to maintain the accessibility, vibrancy and desirability of the affected streets. The primary aim is to provide support to the diverse range of independent businesses along the route.

Recognising that the tram works have the potential to affect business as usual in the local area, the Council previously invited feedback from the local business community on a set of measures. These measures have now been developed following feedback from local traders, members of the public and interest groups. An outline of the measures we are putting in place going forward, along with more details on how these will work, can be found below.

Support measures in detail

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Logistics hubs

We have one Logistics Hub located on Montgomery Street. This means that goods coming into or out of a business, where loading cannot be accommodated, will only need to be transported by you or our team over short distances.

Logistics officers

  • help businesses get goods into and out of their premises, where access is difficult and will also provide best in class customer service
  • have been trained in manual handling, lifting and moving heavy loads and are fully insured to carry out their work

Businesses should book slots in advance, where this is practical to do so.

Residents can also speak to the logistic officers about bulky items they are having delivered such as sofas and fridge freezers.

For more information read our Logistics Hubs FAQ

Open for business campaign

Local on-street and in-store marketing making use of site hoardings, street art, and a wide variety of other media to make sure the message is loud and clear

Promotion on digital channels.

Itison discounts funded by the Council

The project has worked with deal site itison to create a scheme in which customers could purchase vouchers online to spend in local stores at a discounted rate, with the discount funded by the Council. This scheme is now closed. Over 31,000 vouchers were sold generating almost £300,000 of spend in participating businesses. Thank you to all businesses and customers who took part.


Keeping the local area clean and attractive

Full-time street cleaner to keep the streets clean and clear of litter and dog fouling.

A scheme to enliven the street that will include a collection of small and larger murals on street furniture based along the route.

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Business Continuity Fund

  • Please note that applications for Leith Walk will close on 31 May 2023. 
  •  Please note that applications for Constitution Street  closed as of 28 February 2023

The Trams to Newhaven Business Continuity Fund has been established to provide a means of support for businesses that suffer short-term cash flow issues during the construction of the project. This will give those businesses affected access to funds that will help to alleviate any short-term pressures on business operations. The criteria for accessing this fund is set out below.

To be considered for financial support from the business continuity fund, a business must:

  • be situated on a street affected by the tram works (or on a side street whose only access is from an affected street or in the immediate vicinity of the works)
  • have been operational for at least 6 months prior to construction start date at this location;
  • have had Trams works outside their door for more than 3 months;
  • derive the majority of its revenue from customer footfall; and
  • be an independent retailer with no more than 4 branches

COVID-19 Update

The business continuity fund has been established to support businesses experiencing hardship as a result of the Trams to Newhaven construction works. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on businesses in the area and it is important we are able to distinguish between the two.

To allow us to process applications, businesses will need to provide us with full details of their financial situation. To do this, we will need to understand the impact on net income over a minimum of a three-month period and be able to compare this year on year. To do this, we will require the following details:   

  1. What monies the business is paying out to keep operational – this will include items such as rent, utilities, staff payments, etc. Businesses must declare any support they have received from the UK and Scottish Government as part of the COVID-19 pandemic (eg; furlough scheme, business support grants, etc)
  2. What income the business generated over the same time period.
  3. How this compares to the same time period last year
  4. Any changes to how the business operates (eg: reduced hours, reduced staffing, reduced offering, etc)

What qualifies for funding?

  • Rent payments
  • Staff overheads e.g. wages
  • General operational costs e.g. utility bills
  • Business rates
  • Other costs agreed as essential at the discretion of the Council

Level of Financial Contribution

To ensure that the fund operates in an effective way and works for the largest number of businesses as possible, there are some limits on the level of financial contribution that each individual business can qualify for:

  • Maximum number of single payments to each affected business over the construction period:3
  • Maximum amount paid out in any single payment £3000
  • Maximum fund available to any qualifying business over the construction period £9000
  • There will be a minimum waiting time of three months between the processing of each application.

Apply for support

Download our Business Continuity Fund application form, fill in the details plus any attachments then email this to newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk. 

You must provide evidence of financial difficulties via bank statements and accounts as requested. These are detailed on the application form.

If your first application has been successful, subsequent submissions require both a new application form and bank statements demonstrating hardship over a unique three month period year-on-year.

If your application is unsuccessful you have the right to appeal. Appeals are heard by the Project’s Senior Responsible Officer and the Council’s Senior Audit Manager.

Please contact newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk if you require any guidance completing your Business Continuity Fund application.

Please note the following:

  • A payment from the Business Continuity Fund will be classed as a grant. A grant awarded on a valid application does not need to paid back.
  • Information provided will be verified against other information sources held by us. This will assist application processing, fraud prevention and for auditing purposes.
  • Applications may be subject to delay if incomplete or incorrect details given.
  • A business bank account is required for the monies to be paid into.
  • If successful, monies will be paid within four weeks on completion of a full application and once all information and evidence has been verified. 
  • If a payment is made on the basis of false or inaccurate information, it may result in arrangements being made to recover the award, and legal proceedings being initiated.
  • Any grant awarded must be declared for tax purposes or if applying for any other forms of support in the future.

Applications must be made within three months of the end of construction directly outside the applying business.

Community fund

A fund to support local arts groups, community groups, artists and festivals.

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