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Details of changes to the layout of the bi-directional cycleway on Leith Walk

To allow for the continued construction of the new tram line and to begin creating the segregated cycleway that is part of the final design for the project, we are now required to review the bi-directional cycle lane provision on the north-bound side of Leith Walk.  

Location: North-bound side of Leith Walk 
Timescale: 15 March 2021 till Autumn 2021 (in sections)

While these works are being carried out there will be restrictions in in place for cyclists.  Sections of the temporary bi-directional cycleway that are currently in place will need to close. Where possible, alternative routes will be signposted for cyclists, however there may be instances when this is not possible. 

There will be signage installed for cyclists accessing the north-side of Leith Walk to advise of these changes.

There may be minor changes to the layout of pedestrian footpath in sections and access to businesses and residential properties will be maintained at all times. 

From Monday 15th March 2021, there will be diversions in place for cyclist from Annandale Street to McDonald Road and from Pilrig Street to Balfour Street. We are carrying out these works in tandem in order to complete the works as quickly as possible and minimise disruption. 

As indicated below cyclists are advised to use the following diversion routes as the cycleway will be closed in these two sections. 

Annandale Street to McDonald Road

Diversion map for cycle lane closure from Annandale Street to McDonald Road

Pilrig Street to Balfour Street

Diversion for cyclists between Pilrig Street and Balfour Street.

Croall Place – Adjustments to Footpath

In order to progress the works and install the new drainage system the reduction of the footpath width and closure on the bi-directional cycleway at Croall Place between McDonald Road and the large digital advertising screen on Leith Walk will remain in place.  Further information on reopening will be communicated in our fortnightly newsletter.

Details of further sections will be released in due course. 

Contact Details: 
If you have any questions about our works, please contact our contact centre on 0131322 11
22 or e-mail Newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk


Why are you carrying out these works? 

The works on Leith Walk are progressing well with MUS having handed over 50% of this section to SFN to allow them to carry out main infrastructure works including track laying and the building of the tram stops. In addition, SFN will be carry out hard landscaping works which will help deliver a segregated cycleway the length of Leith Walk. This will then link up with dedicated cycle provision at Picardy Place and then on through the city centre as part of the East / West Cycleway project. This is an important part of the project as the provision of dedicated cycle lanes was a key outcome from the consultation the project undertook with residents and businesses in 2018.


Why does the bi-directional cycleway have to close? 

We need to continue to build the main infrastructure on the sites on Leith Walk. To do this and to carry out the building of the segregated cycleway, we need to expand our existing worksite. There isn’t enough space to do this and maintain both the temporary bi-directional cycle lane and a pedestrian footway. Where possible, we will be highlighting alternative routes to cyclists. By carrying out this work in short sections it will reduce the amount of time each section needs to operate in this manner. 


Are you closing the whole of the bi-directional cycleway on Leith Walk?

No, we will be closing sections at a time and, where possible, we will be signposting cyclists with an alternative route. Working in short sections will reduce the amount of time each section needs to operate in this manner. 


Why don’t you come back and complete this work once the main infrastructure works are completed?

Carrying out the work this way would greatly increase the amount of time the traffic management would need to remain in place. Carrying out the works now and in sections will allow us to do the work as quickly as possible and should reduce the disruption for residents and businesses. 


Why can’t you create a cycleway on the tram tracks that have already been laid? 

We need to continue to undertake main infrastructure works at the same time as this hard landscaping works. As a result, it is not possible to create a bi-directional cycleway within the current worksite. 


Why are you building the segregated cycleway when the designs have not been finalised? 

We are undertaking hard landscaping works that will help deliver the segregated cycleway that is shown in the indicative final designs.


Does the building of the segregated cycleway impact on the Traffic Regulation Order that will be consulted on during Spring 2021?  

No, the traffic regulation order details the nature and extent of how our roads are used and managed such as road closures, restrictions on turning movements and the position of parking and loading spaces.  


How long will it take to do the whole of the segregated cycleway on the northbound side of Leith Walk? 

We will be carrying out the work in sections and each section is estimated to take approximately 8 – 10 weeks. We expect to have completed the length of Leith Walk, including London Road to Annandale Street Autumn 2021. 


How many sections are you splitting the work into? 

The works are being split into a total of 8 sections with some of these sections being carried out concurrently. 


What space are you leaving for pedestrian footways while you carry out this work?

As per Council policy, there will be a minimum of 1.5 metres in short sections in place for pedestrians. Much of the route will have more space than this. View the detailed drawings of the Leith Walk cycleway layout changes. 


When will work begin on the segregated cycleway on the southbound side of the Leith Walk? 

These works are scheduled to start in Autumn 2021. Pedestrian footways will be available and access to businesses will be maintained at all times. 


Why have you just installed a bridge over Jane Street for cyclists if you are going to close that section? 

The bridge at Jane Street for cyclists is there while we undertake a major utility diversion. Once this work is completed the road will be reinstated and the bridge removed. Soft landscaping work in this area is not scheduled until after these works are completed. The works at Jane Street are scheduled to be completed by March 2021. 


Published: 26th February 2021