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Trams to Newhaven to host first meet the buyer event

Joint venture partners SFN (Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul) is working closely with the Council to finalise plans for construction, which will include identifying suitable subcontractors.

Joint venture partners SFN (Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul) have been selected by the City of ÂÌñÉç to deliver the infrastructure and systems contract to complete the Trams to Newhaven line.  This project will connect the communities of Leith and Newhaven to the current end of the Edinburgh tram line at York Place. The extended line will run for 4.69 kilometres/2.91 miles, with 8 new stops and is timetabled to take its first passengers to and from Newhaven in early 2023.

SFN is working closely with the Council and other key stakeholders to finalise plans for construction, which will include identifying suitable subcontractors to work on the project.  A “Meet the Buyer” event is being arranged for Tuesday, 30 July at Bonnington House, 200 Bonnington Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5NL.  The venue is accessible and has ample on-street parking nearby.

Members of the SFN team will be available from 3pm to 6pm to discuss purchasing requirements and answer questions on the project.  Representatives from the client, the City of ÂÌñÉç, will also be in attendance. The SFN team will outline the work planned and timescales involved, as well as giving a broad summary of expected subcontracting arrangements to be sought and answer any further queries.

This event is intended as an informal, drop-in opportunity; there is no need to pre-book your attendance.  However, if you would like further information about the project, please visit . Alternatively, you can contact the Trams to Newhaven team via newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk  and a member of the SFN team will return your call. Please note that this event is an industry event only. If you are a member of the public you can get in touch with the team via the project email address. 

Published: 19th July 2019