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Small Business Spotlight: D Alexa Hair & Beauty

Owners of D Alexa Hair & Beauty.

Find out more about D Alexa Hair & Beauty in our small business spotlight article.

Tell us a bit about your business?

This is one of the best decisions of my life to open my own salon. Being able to achieve my childhood dream of working for myself as a hairstylist has been incredibly fulfilling and continues to get even better every year. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the unwavering support of my family, friends and my amazing clients who have become my friends over the last years! 

What makes your business unique?

Our mission at D Alexa Hair & Beauty is to provide a friendly, personalised service through highly skilled and creative professionals. Customer satisfaction is our most valuable asset which ensures our clients are always number one, and we strive to exceed your expectations. We really enjoy meeting people and chatting to clients. It’s lovely when someone new becomes a regular client and we get to know them well. 

Describe your typical working day.

No two days are exactly the same for a hairstylist or beautician. You normally begin with preparation work, and then much of the day is spent providing services to clients. 

Why Leith?

Leith is unique and eclectic. You’ll find here independent retailers, popular pubs and fantastic restaurants with some of the city’s best cultural hidden gems. That is why Leith is one of the coolest neighbourhoods in Edinburgh. 

Name three fellow Leith businesses you love to visit.

Of course our neighbours on Brunswick Street, Dine Thyme cafe (a wee hidden gem with tasty food and great coffee) and Wizardrops stock with amazing handmade, natural wide range of cosmetics and aromatherapy supplies. We have to mention Tailor shop on Albert Place, great and reliable service always when you need it.

Published: 10th May 2021