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Construction of a sub station on Leith Walk

Map showing tram route with stops at Picardy Place, McDonald Road, Balfour Street, Foot of the Walk, The Shore, Port of Leith, Ocean Terminal and Newhaven
Tram route map

Details of the construction of the sub station at 165 Leith Walk

We established site week commencing Monday 7 June 2021 at 165 Leith Walk in order to begin excavation works that will accommodate the construction of a tram substation.

This is one of the two tram substations to be constructed for the project, providing power to the tram route, and is expected to be completed by Autumn 2021.

Pedestrian access will always be maintained along the east side of Leith Walk during these works.

Due to the establishment of site parking will no longer be available in the alleyway beside 165A.

Construction Works

Following site set up, Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul (SFN), and Morrison Utility Services (MUS) roles will involve excavation to allow utility diversions, installation of infrastructure, and public realm improvements which includes any heritage and archaeology works.

Works will commence with the excavation in the alleyway between 165A and 173 Leith Walk, as well as within the area of the industrial space at 165 Leith Walk. These works will take approximately six weeks to complete.

These excavation works will enable drainage and ducting works that will take approximately three weeks to complete. The construction of the tram substation structure will then commence.

Construction site working hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm. 

All works will be undertaken in line with the Code of Construction Practice.

Published: 8th June 2021