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Extension of construction site on Constitution Street near Coatfield Lane

Constitution street visual

Details of the extension of the construction site on Constitution Street at Coatfield Lane (extending north).

Works will be taking place outside 115 to 117 Constitution Street from Monday 19 July.

Pedestrian access will be maintained along Constitution Street for the duration of these works. Due to the current Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO), further parking enforcement will be implemented in the area to accommodate the works.

The commencement of utility and main tram infrastructure works in the section between Queen Charlotte Street and Coatfield Lane is scheduled to commence Winter 2021/22. However, we have reviewed our programme of works and in order to minimise impact during the main phasing of works in the area we will be adjusting our current site lines on the east side of Constitution Street to accommodate further trams infrastructure works in July 21. Further updates regarding the main phasing of works in Winter 2021/22 will follow ahead of these works.

Construction Works

Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul (SFN), and Morrison Utility Services (MUS) roles will involve excavation to allow utility diversions, installation of infrastructure, and public realm improvements which includes any heritage and archaeology works.

From Monday 19 July there will be a localised excavation undertaken by MUS for overhead line equipment (OLE) foundations on the east footway south of the access to 115 Constitution Street. A localised pedestrian diversion will be in place to facilitate these works.

From Monday 26 July SFN will establish site on the east side of the road between the access points of 115 and 117 Constitution Street, including some of the area excavated for the localised dig. Access to 117 Constitution Street will be closed approximately two-weeks after the establishment of site at which time the east side footway will be re-established. Excavation of the site will be undertaken to enable drainage and ducting works, followed by the installation of track slab. These works are expected to be completed over a 12-week period; the site area will be installed by 115 Constitution Street, but it will allow access to the premises as arranged in this phase.

Construction site working hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm. There may be times when out of hours’ works are required. Any notifications of such will be provided via the project’s communication channels. Directional signage will be displayed once the fencing has been erected and the construction site established.

Traffic Management

Traffic management arrangements have been approved jointly with members of the city's Traffic Management Review Panel, including Lothian Buses and the emergency services. Diversion routes and advanced warning signage will be erected in the vicinity and detailed drawings are available on the project website in the Construction section. View the traffic management drawings for your information.

The project will assess the traffic management arrangement throughout the construction period and make amends if required. 

Other Works

Other associated work will also be taking place at the following locations:

  1. Queen Charlotte Street to Constitution Place – works are continuing and scheduled to be completed in Autumn 2021 with the exception of the Robert Burns statue reinstatement and utility works at the Baltic Street junction.
  2. Foot of the Walk to Coatfield Lane – works are continuing and scheduled to be completed by Autumn 2021.

Published: 15th July 2021