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Small Business Spotlight: Destined for Home

Destined for Home shop front in Leith.

Find out more about Destined for Home in our small business spotlight article.

Tell us a bit about your business?

After being made redundant I decided to completely change career… and opened Destined For Home five years ago.  I sell unique gifts and home interiors.  

What makes your business unique?

The UK has a wealth of quality goods, some products are recycled or sourced ethically.  I hand pick quality products that are made in UK that hopefully you haven’t seen elsewhere.  I know each producer/supplier and everything about their product.  When I buy from other small businesses it helps their small business to continue in these strange times.  You also get to meet our shop dog (and get a free cuddle!)

Describe your typical working day.

I take pride in where my shop is and local community so the very first job of the day is sweep and wash the pavement outside the shop, then put out bench and planters, wash the windows and dust (there’s a lot of dust), speak to customers provide advise about the products they are looking at or buying, every product is gift wrapped for free. I also provide information about the local area – sometimes I feel I should have a Tourist Information sign outside

Why Leith?

My family were Leithers so we were always in Leith, I’ve always loved it, it pulls me back – it’s where I had my 21st birthday and wedding!  I lived and worked in Leith since the 90's so it’s the only place I wanted to start my business.

Name three fellow Leith businesses you love to visit.

Leith Depot, The Hideout and Petals on the Shore. 

Published: 1st September 2021