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Excavation of the London Road Roundabout

More information about the excavation to the East of London Road Roundabout

As part of the Trams to Newhaven construction works, excavations will be required to the East of the previous London Road roundabout. This location is associated with the site of the 15th-16th century Greenside Chapel and Carmelite monastery and later 16th/17th century leper hospital. This may require the archaeological exhumation of some remains if burials are discovered during archaeological works.

The court ordains any interested parties, on a period of 14 days from 20 September 2021 to lodge with the court a notice of intention to defend with the sheriff clerk at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, 27 Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1LB, if they wish to: (a) Challenge the jurisdiction of the court (b) Oppose any claim or order sought (c) Make any claim or seek any order.

Published: 20th September 2021