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Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 22 November

Weekly Traffic Management

Please find below a summary of additional traffic management arrangements to accommodate site investigations works and utility diversions outside the main area of works.


York Place to London Road  

Our work site was established in early October and included a realignment of the London Road roundabout. A temporary pedestrian crossing has been installed through the site across from the Playhouse Theatre. We note that since installation there have been issues with these lights being stuck on red. This should now be resolved. Please note this crossing point will move throughout the duration of the works but will remain in the vicinity of the current location

Find out more about the York Place to London Road works. 



Leith Walk - Cycleway Closure 

To progress with construction of the permanent cycleway from Annandale Street to Foot of the Walk, we have closed the temporary cycleway for the full length of Leith Walk. As sections of the west footway open up the new cycleway will be in place.  However, we advise cyclists to use the agreed diversion routes.

See the cycle diversion routes

McDonald Road to Montgomery Street – City Bound Running Lane Works

On 30 October 2021 works started on the Leith Walk city bound running lane from McDonald Road to Montgomery Street. These require the traffic to be diverted onto the newly installed western carriage way.

There is no left turn into and out of Brunswick Street from Leith Walk. The crossing point north of the McDonald Road junction is located just south of the McDonald Road junction.

Pilrig Street Junction Closure

To progress the main infrastructure works on Leith Walk, Pilrig Street junction is currently closed to traffic. A pedestrian crossing has been added north of the junction. Additional temporary parking bays will be added on Pilrig Street.

Iona Street - NOW OPEN

UPDATE: Parking restrictions will be implemented from 7 am on Monday 22 November 2021 on the south side of Iona Street (from Leith Walk to Buchanan Street) and are expected to remain in place for approximately one week to facilitate the lining works. A tow away scheme will be in operation.

Iona Street from Leith Walk to the junction of Buchanan Street is now open. There will be a further requirement to close Iona Street again at the junction of Leith Walk to complete further attenuation and landscaping works on the city bound running lane. Further information will be made available nearer the time. Additional loading and temporary parking will be implemented in the area

Reopening of Springfield Street junction with Leith Walk

UPDATE: A two-way traffic light system is in operation at the Springfield Street junction. Parking restrictions are in place on Springfield Street from Leith Walk to the Springfield Lane junction, along Springfield Street until Stead’s Place and before the Stead’s Place junction with Leith Walk.

Springfield Street is open to two-way traffic and Stead’s Place is closed to a right-hand turn for southbound traffic. This change will allow the progression of tram infrastructure works.

Find out more about the Springfield Street reopening.

Foot of the Walk to Crown Street

From Monday 8 November site lines were extended from Jane Street to Kirk Street to begin utility clearance and tram infrastructure works.  

Vehicle access to Kirk Street / Cassels Lane & Casselbank Street will be maintained from Leith Walk for southbound traffic only in the form of a right turn to Kirk Street. Exiting from the above areas will be maintained via Kirk Street with a right turn onto southbound traffic on to Leith Walk.  Additionally, there will be a left turn on to Great Junction Street.  There is no access on to Duke Street. Drivers wishing to access Easter Road, Lochend Road and Vanburgh Place should use Manderston Street. 

All parking and loading provision will be temporarily suspended between Kirk Street and Cassels Lane with no on street parking or loading facilities available on the running lane under the project’s Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO).

Foot of the Walk – Temporary Traffic Lights

The carriage way at the Foot of the Walk junction was reduced to one lane traffic, controlled by temporary traffic lights. These arrangements are expected to be in place until Winter 2021/22.



Mitchell Street – Road Closure 

Mitchell Street/Maritime Lane remains closed to vehicles. This is to accommodate hard landscaping and public realm works in the area. A temporary pedestrian walkway connecting both sides of the street between Queen Charlotte Street and Mitchell Street/Maritime Lane has been installed and will be in place to facilitate the ongoing works.

Bernard Street – Traffic Management Changes

On Wednesday 27th October works began on Bernard Street for the installation of attenuation pipes for approximately 16 weeks. The work site was extended west requiring the closure of Maritime Street at the junction of Bernard Street.  To facilitate the works there have also been slight adjustments to the traffic flow in the area and parking restrictions have been put in place on Maritime Street at the closure.  The pedestrian crossing at this location will be moving east nearer to the Baltic/Bernard junction.

Constitution Street - Constitution Place to Tower Street Traffic Management Changes

This section has opened to traffic travelling in both directions from Baltic Street through to Ocean Drive at Rennie’s Isle/Victoria Bridge. There will be no parking, loading or stopping.

From w/c 22 November routine rail inspection works are expected to commence between the Baltic Junction and Tower Street.  This will require localised traffic management arrangements which will be managed via stop and go boards.  These arrangements will be for a short duration only with minimal disruption expected.

The junction at Tower Street with Constitution Street remains closed to facilitate the installation of the attenuation pipe works.  Please note that parking remains suspended on Tower Street.  Parking on The Shore had been reinstated up to the corner of The Shore/Tower Street

Ocean Drive - Traffic Management at Stevedore Place

Phase 2 of the works on Ocean Drive at Stevedore Place between Tower Place and Constitution Place commenced on 26 July 2021.  The site was established on the south side with traffic between Ocean Drive and Constitution Street running through the north side of Stevedore Place.

Ocean Drive - Traffic Management Changes

We've made revisions to traffic management on Ocean Drive to advance tram infrastructure works. This section of works has extended eastbound. Parking restrictions are in place to accommodate the new arrangements. 

Ocean Drive – Traffic Management Changes at CALA Developments / Ocean Terminal

Three way traffic lights are in place adjacent to the CALA Developments. These arrangements are expected to be in place until early Spring 2022.

Ocean Drive - Ocean Terminal

Changes to the exiting traffic management arrangements were made on 12 October to enable establishment of site on the northeast corner outside Cala Developments. These require a footway closure, with pedestrian and cyclist access being maintained via the west side of Ocean Terminal. Vehicle access will be maintained via the 3-way temporary traffic management arrangements.  



Constitution Street at Laurie Street - Footpath Closure 

The footway on the west side between Foot of the Walk and Laurie Street is currently closed. 

Constitution Street from Queen Charlotte Street to Bernard Street / Baltic Street

Hard landscaping and reinstatement works have started within the existing site set-up. In order to continue with these works we are extending our work space in to the footway. These new temporary arrangements will see existing fence lines being extended towards properties with the commencement of hard landscaping/public realm works. Access will be maintained to properties and where required temporary foot ways will be created on the newly laid tracks.  

Constitution Street – Maritime Lane to Bernard Street (west side)

Hard landscaping and reinstatement works started within the above location on Monday 5 July.  To accommodate these works we extended our work space in to the footway. Access will be maintained to properties and the local area.

Ocean Drive - Footpath Closure 

The footway on Ocean Drive is currently closed, this is to allow structural works on Victoria Bridge. Diversions will be in place for all pedestrians/cyclists. These arrangements started on Monday 24 May and are expected to be in place until week commencing 13 December   

Published: 19th November 2021