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Notification of Hard Landscaping Works on East Footways between Laurie Street and Coatfield Lane

Find out more about the hard landscaping works in this section.

Following on from the project notification in December, works from Coatfield Lane to Queen Charlotte Street are scheduled to commence on Monday 24 January 2022. Site establishment is expected to take place this coming weekend with completion scheduled in Autumn 2022.  As part of these works, we will also be commencing hard landscaping works on the east side of Constitution Street between Laurie Street to Coatfield Lane. These works are required to reinstate the footway as part of the main infrastructure works.

Description of works

Hard landscaping works are expected to commence on the east side footways between Laurie Street and Coatfield Lane on Constitution Street, week commencing Monday 24 January. These works will be undertaken in a three-phased approach and are expected to take approximately six weeks.

  • Phase 1 works will consist of drainage, ducting and kerb line installation, which will be undertaken within the site set up on the east side of Constitution street. These works are expected to take up to two weeks.
  • Phase 2 will involve site lines moving into existing footways between 153 and 141 Constitution Street. During these works pedestrian arrangements will change to accommodate paving works on the existing footways up to the building lines but access will be maintained to affected properties and through Constitution Street. Following this we will commence between 141 and Pillars House.
  • Phase 3 of works will consist moving on to undertake landscaping works on the west. Further updates will be communicated via the project’s communication channels.

Pedestrian access will be maintained on Constitution Street and access to/from residential properties will also be maintained, which will be via a segregated pedestrian footway providing local access to Constitution Street. 

As with all arrangements, the project will assess the arrangements throughout the construction period and make changes where required.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns or further questions regarding these works then please contact the Trams to Newhaven project team by email on Newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk or alternatively contact our customer helpline on 0131 322 1122 (local rate Monday to Sunday 8am to 7pm).

Published: 19th January 2022