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International Women's Day 2022: Meet Maria, Project Director for our Main Infrastructure Contractor SFN

Maria IWD

To celebrate International Women's Day we’re learning more about Maria, project director for our main infrastructure constructor SFN.

How did you get started in Civil Engineering?

At the time I was to finish high school, construction was booming in Spain. There were large civil infrastructures projects ongoing pretty much everywhere. I liked Maths and Physics and I thought that Civil Engineering was the right balance between securing a position in the future while doing something that I liked.


What you enjoy most about working in the construction industry and specifically on Trams to Newhaven project?

Although I had initially thought that being an engineer would involve designing and calculations, working on the contractor side now, I particularly enjoy the management side of it. It makes my day to day very dynamic and diverse, which I particularly enjoy. Management comprises resources, time, costs and people. And working with people is one of the most interesting aspects of it all. You cannot build things on your own; you need teams to work together. This is the most enriching aspect, where you get to learn from other cultures and professionals.

The Tram project is being a great example of a diverse and collaborative working environment. There are people from many nationalities and different backgrounds. It's being a very rewarding project from both professional and personal perspectives.


What challenges have you faced in your career?

I am lucky that I have had the opportunity to work in different civil projects ranging from roads, pipelines, marine, water plants, and ultimately trams. And that is a real challenge: you need to start from scratch every time you are assigned to a different project. In addition, it generally implies moving to a different place, or even to another country. It can be very disruptive at the beginning, especially when it also requires moving your family. However, it generally turns into a reward. 


Why in your opinion do we need to promote more girls getting into the industry?

Nobody doubts nowadays that equality and diversity is key to guarantee a team's success. And this will only be achieved by having a blend of skilled men and women working together.

In my opinion, it should not be about men or women, it should be about encouraging talented and skilled individuals to get into the industry.

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Published: 8th March 2022