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Advanced notification of Newhaven to Melrose Drive and Ocean Drive works

Trams at Ocean Drive

Advanced notification of Newhaven - Melrose Drive and Ocean Drive phased works

Notification of start of construction work

Construction works to take trams to Newhaven will commence from Newhaven to Melrose Drive on 6 March 2020. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. All parking and loading on Lindsay Road, Melrose Drive and North Leith Sands will be suspended.

Works will also commence on Ocean Drive, at the front of Ocean Terminal, on 13 March 2020. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. All parking and loading on Ocean Drive and Ocean Way will be suspended. Please note that Ocean Terminal will remain open as usual and access to the car parks will be maintained.

The full construction programme can be viewed on the project website – www.tramstonewhaven.co.uk.

Construction Works

Fencing will be erected in order to establish the construction site which will take approximately two weeks. During this period there will also be further site investigation works undertaken.
Information boards and directional signage will be displayed once the fencing has been erected and the construction site has been established.

Following site set up, Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul (SFN), and Morrison Utility Services (MUS) roles will involve excavation of the road to allow utility diversions, tracklaying, installation of tram infrastructure, public realm improvements, and heritage and archaeology works.

Construction site working hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm.

All works will be undertaken in line with the Code of Construction Practice which details, amongst other things, acceptable levels of noise and vibration. The Code of Construction Practice can be found on the project website – www.tramstonewhaven.co.uk.

Lothian Buses

There will be diversions to your bus services during construction. Full details will be available at www.lothianbuses.com and via the Transport for Edinburgh App.


There will be no changes to your bin collection arrangements.

Other Works

Other associated work will also be taking place at the following locations:
1. Foot of the Walk to Coatfield Lane – works are continuing.
2. Queen Charlotte Street to Constitution Place – works are continuing.
3. Leith Walk – enabling works are continuing and main construction works will commence 28 March 2020.
Traffic Management

Traffic management arrangements have been approved jointly with members of the city's Traffic Management Review Panel, including Lothian Buses and the emergency services, and these will be in place from 6 March 2020 for Newhaven to Melrose Drive and 13 March 2020 for Ocean Drive. Access through the site will be maintained for emergency services at all times. Diversion routes and advanced warning signage will be erected in the vicinity for information and detailed drawings for these can be found on the Trams to Newhaven website.

The project will assess the traffic management arrangement throughout the construction period and make amends where required.


To keep up to date with the project’s progress and news, sign up to our mailing list at www.tramstonewhaven.co.uk.

Considerate Contractor Scheme

SFN and MUS both follow the principles of the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which requires a firm focus on outstanding management, efficiency, awareness of local environmental issues, and a genuine consideration for neighbours and the community.

During the time that the above works are being undertaken, all efforts will be made to minimise disruption and inconvenience to residents and businesses. Further details can be found at

For further information please visit www.tramstonewhaven.co.uk. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at Newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk or by phone on 0131 322 1122.

Published: 10th February 2020