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Opportunities to become involved in Archaeology works

Cannonball from constitution street

Opportunities for the local community to work with our archaeology team

Throughout the project we will be able to provide a variety of opportunities for the local community to get both hands on and educational exposure to the city’s historic past. 

As part of Morrison Utility Services Community Benefits package there will be opportunities for the local community to work alongside our archaeology team.

Working with our archaeology contractor, Guard and in collaboration with the City of ÂÌñÉç’s Archaeologist, we will be engaging with the local community, schools, colleges and universities with opportunities to provide a fascinating insight into the history and archaeology of Leith and Edinburgh. 

One of these opportunities will be to take part in the finds processing for the project.  This will involve the volunteers getting hands on experience with archaeological finds and learning what it takes to expertly clean up and record these pieces of history.  

Morrison Utility Services are inviting the local community to register their interest in this exciting process by email.  Spaces are limited and priority will be given to residents within the local area.

To register your interest please email: Newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk – Subject Header – Archaeology Finds Processing". 







Published: 18th March 2020