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Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 9 October 2020

Weekly Traffic Management

Please find below a summary of additional traffic management arrangements to accommodate site investigations works and utility diversions outside the main area of works.

Traffic management arrangements for the main area of works are available to view and download.

Leith Walk

McDonald Road/Leith Walk junction - Road Closure

McDonald Road/Leith Walk junction remains closed to accommodate utility diversions. 

Shrub Place - Pedestrian Walkway 

Changes have been implemented to the pedestrian walkway in the Shrubhill area on the west side of Leith Walk. Please be aware of the new arrangements and note pedestrian access will be maintained. Access to and from properties of the Engine Yard developments underground carpark area will be maintained by the installation of a prioritised running lane between the carpark entrance and Shrub Place. This running lane will be clearly marked, whilst being segregated from both pedestrians and the adjacent cycle lane.

View the traffic management drawing for the Shrubhill area. 

Foot of the Walk - Newhaven

Foot of the Walk to Laurie Street - Footpath Closure

Footpath closure from Foot of the Walk to Laurie Street on the East side.  While these restrictions are in place alternative pedestrian routes will be clearly signposted and access to businesses will be maintained at all times

Maritime Lane - Road Closure - NOW OPEN

There works have now been completed and the road reopened as of Wednesday 14 October. 

Mitchell Street to Assembly Street - Footpath Closure

Footpath closure on Constitution Street from Mitchell Street to Assembly Street on the East Side to accommodate utility diversion works.  Pedestrian diversions will be in place and access to properties will be maintained at all times.

Bernard Street/Baltic Street - Temporary Traffic Lights

Bernard Street/Baltic Street junction with Constitution Street is reduced to 1 lane controlled by temporary traffic lights to accommodate utility works.

Assembly Street - Footpath Closures

Access to Assembly Street is via Baltic Street to accommodate utility works.  Pedestrian diversions are in place.

Tower Street - Temporary Traffic Lights NOW COMPLETE

Site investigation works are now complete on Tower Street and temporary traffic lights are being removed.

Ocean Terminal - T-junction

There will be minor changes to the traffic management arrangements at the North roundabout at Ocean Terminal from Tuesday 13 October, a T-junction will be installed.

Lindsay Road - No Right Turn

We will be carrying out site investigation works along Lindsay Road from Tuesday 13 October for approximately 3 days. There will be no right turn onto the A901, Lindsay Road towards Ocean terminal from North Fort Street/Bathfield.  Local diversion is in place. 

View the traffic management drawing for Lindsay Road. 

Queen Charlotte Street/Constitution Street - Temporary Traffic Lights

We will be installing temporary traffic lights and pedestrian crossings at the Queen Charlotte Street junction with Constitution Street to accommodate sewer survey and remedial works.  These will be in place from Monday 19 October for approximately 5 days. 

View the traffic management drawing for Queen Charlotte Street/Constitution Street. 

Published: 9th October 2020