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Small Business Spotlight: Griffen Fitness

Business owner Tracey Griffen holding pet pug in her fi8tness studio.

Find out more about Griffen Fitness in our small business spotlight article.

Tell us a bit about your business?

Griffen Fitness was established in 2005, teaching people how to get fit without a gym. We’ve had the studio on the corner of Balfour Street since 2010 and specialise in teaching exercise that can be done with minimal equipment... and maximal results. I live locally and am a regular columnist for The Leither magazine – you’ll often see me out and about with my studio assistant, Coco the fitness pug (find Coco on Instagram). We also hire out the space for pop-up shops on the weekend.


What makes your business unique?

Griffen Fitness is as unique as the clients we train. I teach mainly individual clients (or couples) of all ages and abilities, including disabled and elderly people. Having been a Personal Trainer for over 15 years means that I am confident is designing exercise programmes for those who wouldn’t feel comfortable in a gym.
We offer exceptional customer service as we’re dedicated in helping our clients enjoy exercise and see the benefits of being more active. ‘Get Fit and Enjoy It’ my ethos and the title of my new book, a step-by-step guide teaching you how to get fit from home. I wrote it in the first lockdown when my studio was shut down, for a potential second lockdown, and for winter too. Get your copy from . 


Describe your typical working day.

The only constant to my working day is a morning walk with Coco the fitness pug. After stretching our legs, the workday begins. Every day is different, as we teach a combination of webcam workouts (online), studio sessions and outdoor fitness. Living locally means we don’t need to spend all day in the studio and Coco and I pop home for a sit-down lunch and can often be spotted in a local park teaching fitness. 

Why Leith?

Why not? Leith is a fab place to run a business as there are so many other small businesses close by. There is a real community vibe, and the ‘I Love Leith’ Facebook page is both entertaining and informative. 
I don’t drive, so living and working within walking and cycling distance to town and shops is essential. 

Name three fellow Leith businesses you love to visit.

Leith Market: the best market around is our regular Saturday walk. They stock my new book in their ‘click and collect’ service and do a lot of good things for the community.

Tattie Shaw’s: Technically not Leith but it is my favourite grocery shop at the top of Leith Walk. Owner James knows his onions, and like Griffen Fitness, he has been trading for a long time. Coco also loves getting treats when she visits.

Leith Walk Police Box: Fabulous local pop-up shops and new businesses pop up halfway down Leith Walk. The Police Box is where you’ll catch the newest traders in Leith, and find out local community information.

Published: 6th January 2021